First off, pretty please, no spoilers about later in the game, I don't want all the most exciting quests and moments ruined (or even most of them). What I am looking for is, for where i am now in the game, level 6, having just finished the horn of Jahol (or whatever) quest, where can I go to make this game a little more interesting?
I will explain. Starting with the good, I feel the world is beautiful. Finally an open world game with good draw distance where you can actually see things out there, that's huge. The experience of walking around in the world, in the snow, is tranquil in small doses. Combat isn't great but it's fine, looks good, although repetitive.
But here's the issue. It all feels so empty. There are barely any enemies on screen at one time, you walk for hours only coming across a few enemies, no people, no plot developments or dynamic situations that surprise you. Worst, the writing is absolutely terrible. The opening sequence of the game had okay writing, the leader of the rebels seemed interesting, but since then it's been painful. Like I said the game feels so empty, and the crux of that is that the empty feeling makes you long to come across more characters, yet at the same time you dread coming across them because that means you will be tempted into talking to them, which could not be more of a chore. Every time you pick any dialogue option asking anyone about anything, the NPCs go into these long winded, terribly written explanations, and they take forever. Yes, I could just not click on all the dialogue options, but the problem is you dont know whether it's something important or not without clicking on it to find out.
So it takes about 20 minutes every town I come across just listening to these terrible characters blather and get the information you need. And they never say one interesting thing, there is no dynamic interactions with them, no forging of relationships, no way of feeling like they are real people. They're not clever, they're not actually talking to you like a person. There's no "How are you? Let's get to know each other like real people." It's ALL exposition. "Here is the history of our town. Here is information on the item you're questing after. Here is information on the war happening, that I'm going to tell you about."
Rule #1 in creative writing, show don't tell. Skyrim is absolutely awful at this, and it makes for awful story telling, at least so far.
Even so, I could still probably enjoy the game if something actually happened, and if it wasn't so slow and repetitive. Like I mentioned I just finished the greybeard horn quest. It took literally at least an hour of just walking in the snow to even get to where I needed to go. Nothing happened the whole walk there. I finally got it, took it back, and the next quest is the same thing. It's all the same thing. Get the quest from the dull as nails NPCs, walkor horseback ride an hour or two filled with almost nothing happening besides a couple enemies to get to the location, find the thing, and bring it back. Maybe find a tame dragon that's way too easily to kill and does the same stuff over and over again on the way if you're lucky.
Where are the set pieces? Even Fallout 3 on the horrible engine had some great set pieces. Where are the mysteries, the interesting characters, the believable relationships? Can I expect to actually care about any character in this game? There are so many examples in film, but most recently i watched Super 8. The girl in that was a well developed character, realistic, well acted, and an endearing character. She added emotional weight to the film. Where is that in Skyrim?
The story as well. At the beginning it seemed like there would at least be a focused narrative, war against one of the factions or war against the dragons (or whoever brought the dragons back). But instead of dealing with that conflict in an interesting way, I'm walking for hours to find horns, and stuff like that. Yes, technically they are related to the narrative because the horn is supposed to help solve the dragon mystery, but it's also removed.
So I am wondering, where can I go in the game now to find:
1. A much faster pace, and a better told story overall.
2. Better, realistic writing.
3. Big set pieces like in fallout 3 at times.
4. Quests that aren't repetitive fetch quests that take hours to get to (ties into the pace). Quests with actual interesting storylines and twists and interesting characters and pace.
5. Actual interesting characters that you can connect to emotionally. Even Mass Effect, far from nailing this aspect either, at least tried to do this with characters like Ashley, Miranda, Tali, whoever else. This has been a huge issue with Bethesda games since I started playing them with Oblivion, and they don't even seem to know it. Todd Howard has been everywhere doing PR raving about the open world and how you can "do anything," except none of that means anything if the game is empty with no real people. Who wants to save a lifeless world? Would you risk your life to save mars if it did not affect humans? No one wants to save worlds, they are just made of dirt, rock, water. People want to save the people they care about in those worlds. Problem is, I can't find any of those in this world, or any bethesda games. Are there any? I'm not even sure there's a character in this whole game who has more than the lines of dialogue necessary to tell you a quest. Guess what, in real life, people have more to talk about than just giving you your quests. I would like to come across interesting characters, have them make me laugh, learn about them with their initial lines of dialogue, and then come back to the town they're in an hour or two later after I've done something, and have the game adapt dynamically. Have them have new dialogue throughout the game, so your relationship with the characters can evolve. Like how it is with real people, or good characters in books, movies.
6. Just anything you think might be interesting. Or is the whole game just the same as what I've experienced so far, long walks followed by a dungeon to retrieve something and then bring it back to town and repeat?
Thanks for your help. This is just my experience, i understand others are enjoying it that's why I'm hoping it's just me and I haven't done the right quests yet or gotten far enough in (although it's been 10-15 hours). If you can avoid spoilers in helping me that would be great too. Thank you very much for your help!