» Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:57 pm
Phenom II x4 945 3ghz
GTX 570 HD 2560 mb
8gb DDR3 1333 mhz
Win 7 64bit
vsync is on...
Vsync disabled boost fps, I think a problem with Nvidia drivers!
I have E8600 @ 4,5ghz, Gigabyte 580gtx SOC, 4gb DDR2 1066mhz, Win 7 64bit, 1680X1050
With vsync on mini 30fps and max 50 but rarely....
With vsync off mini 55 and max 80 approximately
settings on Ultra of course!
Edit: a place where I lose a lot of fps in the lab of gould when the helicopter crash, fps droop at 35...
Yea I took Vsync off and wow what a difference...I mean I don't have the best card but everything maxed and I rarely ever get in the 30s usually in the 40s or higher, I didnt notice much diffence in graphics with Extreme settings, so I put it on EXtreme,DX11, High res tex, motion blur high, and now everything is a consistent 45 + or higher, I mean I don't have the best rig or anything in SLI or overclocked(yet) so I think I am getting the performance I should be getting, Ive noticed bottleneck in some older CPU intensive games, but I get maxed GPU usage in Crysis 2, so I think I am fine...I also played multiplayer and wow what a difference, with my old GTX460SE I never had the settings past very high in MP, now I have DX11, High res, and I just keep at Extreme, Ive seen the FPS past 90 several times, this game rocks now...thanks Crytek...need to chang those undies again...
BTW as far as the comment on high res tex not hindering performance and that is not what I read, I mean considering that I have 2.5 g vram, I know it doesnt hinder much, but DX11 hinders much less than the high res tewx pack...so I don't know what these dudes are talking about, I assume they are messing with me, but who know