i placed a diabella statue that somehow fell into my pickets in riften :whistling: in my whiterun house. for about 5 times upon entry to my house i found it on the floor i even tried placing it in different places, i think my housecarl likes the statue too much and she doesnt have time to put the statue back when she's done cause i startle her or something so she just drops it and runs up to my collection of sweetrolls in my bedroom. but i think she knows i knew and now its completley gone D: what did my housecarl do with my diabella statue!?! anyone have any ideas?
This happened to me, in an albeit slightly different manner and with a different item. So I finished the Daedric quest to get Dawnbreaker (Meridia) and I decided to use it a bit. I liked it due to the neat effect of sometimes causing draugr and other undead to explode upon death doing damage and fearing other undead enemies. I am, however, a smith so I have other weapons that I've made that I like better than the Dawnbreaker. Ok, no problem, I'll just find a place to put the Dawnbreaker until I find it useful again.So I need a place to put it hrm... my house in Whiterun has some space! I already had my other weapon racks/display plaques full with other nice items (Mace of Molag Bal, Voldenrung, etc.) so I think to myself, "Well I'd sure like to display this in the open, where to put it now?" and with that thought I had another great idea, "I KNOW! I'll prop it up nicely by the chairs near the Breezehome firepit to give it the look that it's an often used weapon!" to accurately reflect that fact.
So then I decide that I want to go adventuring for a while, and I want to test out the companion feature (which I have never tried due to my ranger/lone wolf RP style on this character) so I ask Lydia to join me. Here's where the fun starts. So I run out to the far West of the map and I stumble upon the Shrine of Boethiah. Great! Another chance for a Daedric Artifact for my collection! Since I like Lydia, and the quest asks you to do something less than scrupulous with a follower, I want to go send her back home. I tell her to leave my service, no problem right? Well this is what I think for the moment.
Next thing I do is sleep at an inn, forgetting about having completed the prerequisite for the Dark Brotherhood initiation. Needless to say I get a bit thrown off my path after being abducted by Astrid, the DB leader, but I head back to my original destination, Riverwood, so I can scrounge up a follower (namely Sven that unworthy PoS) to take to the Shrine of Boethiah, but he says the following, "It looks like you already have a follower."
Now at this point I'm scratching my head about the situation. I clearly do not have anyone following me, but the game still thinks I do. Well, time to head back to Whiterun to see if Lydia is back in my Breezehome. Now here is where it gets very interesting.
Lydia is gone. Completely and utterly gone. She isn't in my Breezehome, she isn't at Dragonsreach, in fact it seems she's not anywhere in Whiterun. I try to wait it out for 4 maximum waiting cycles (96 game hours) and still she hasn't come home. I am very disheartened at this point, seeing as how I had fully crafted a Dragonplate set with shield and a fantastic upgraded/enchanted ebony sword. The final part of the story comes here. I go downstairs to check out the rest of my house and what do I find missing?
My Dawnbreaker, my Daedric artifact that was sitting so nicely up against the chairs in the main room is gone. Not only is it gone, but out of the 20 or so other items I have placed on the floor, it is the ONLY thing gone. So at this point it seems to me that Lydia returned home and ran off with the Dawnbreaker to have her own adventures. Apparently being second horse to the Dovahkiin wasn't enough for her. No sir she needed her own incredible sword of undead slaying so she could clean out the rest of the undead crypts of Skyrim without me.
I did eventually find Lydia after conquering Whiterun for the Stormcloaks. The new Jarl offered me the title of Thane (already had it along with the house) to which I immediately accepted. Then, what do you know I walk down the steps of Dragonsreach to find NONE OTHER THAN THAT *$*&$# LYDIA, walking around as if she hadn't been gone FOR MONTHS with my Dragonplate armor set, enchanted ebony sword, and Dawnbreaker. The kicker, however, is that she has none of the gear I gave her, nor can I re-initiate her service as a follower as she believes ANOTHER Lydia that LOOKS JUST LIKE HER is already in my employ.
So, basically, on this playthrough, I cannot claim Boethiah's artifact, I no longer have Dawnbreaker, and I cannot have a follower (not such a biggie).