My Idea to Enhance Character-Variety (Long read)

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:24 pm

I posted this in another thread, but I decided to change it up a little bit and to make my own thread, so here goes.

I think they should leave in the three base attributes like they have it (Magicka - Health - Stamina), but they should alter what these effect.

Magicka would ONLY govern how much magicka you have available to spend.
Health would only govern how much HP you have.
Stamina would stay the same.

Now, to add to the variety of characters and play-styles, I think they should add in a few more skills that are essentially attributes, but they would greatly benefit from having perk-trees. These "skills" would be Athletics, Agility, and Intelligence.

Athletics: Effects how fast you move and how fast your attacks are, but it would also effect how high you can jump.
Possible Perks:
A movement-speed modifying perk with levels of 1 through 5, each with a higher % increase to movement-speed. A branch from here would include a perk to decrease the stamina-cost for sprinting.

A one-handed weapons attack-speed modifying perk with levels of 1 through 3, each with a higher % increase to attack-speed. Branches from here would include a perk to decrease the amount of time to sheathe or un-sheathe weapons, and a perk to decrease the stamina-cost for attacking. This perk would NOT stack with the One-Handed perks that reduce stamina-cost for dual-wield attacks or for power attacks with one-handed weapons, nor will this perk stack with the Two-Handed perk that reduces stamina-cost for power attacks with two-handed weapons.

A jumping-ability modifying perk with levels of 1 through 3, each with a higher % increase to jumping-ability. Branches from here would include a perk to decrease the stamina-cost for jumping, and a perk to decrease falling-damage (possibly leveled).

Agility: Effects how quickly you change direction (side to side), and would also effect your ability to block/dodge (the higher your agility, the quicker you can raise your shield/sword to block, and the quicker you can dodge). Think of it as "reflexes" instead of agility if you must.
Possible Perks:
A change-direction-speed modifying perk with levels of 1 through 3, each with a higher % increase to change-direction-speed.

A block-speed modifying perk with levels of 1 through 3, each with a higher % increase to block-speed. Branches from here would include a perk to decrease the stamina-cost for blocking, a perk to decrease the amount of time between blocking and being able to attack, and a perk to increase the damage of an attack immediately following a successful, well-timed block (a block that staggers the opponent).

A dodge perk. This perk, obviously, allows you to dodge an enemy attack, but only with one-handed or two-handed weapons. To perform a dodge would be the same here as it was in Oblivion, which is by holding "block" and then pressing "jump" while moving in any direction. Branches from here would include a perk to decrease the stamina-cost for dodging, a perk to increase the damage of an attack immediately following a successful dodge, and a perk which reduces the time it takes to attack after a successful dodge by 50% (A very powerful perk, so you would have to have a very high Agility).

Intelligence: Effects what level magical spells you can cast, and what level of weapon-attack techniques you would be able to perform. (As far as I know, there are no "weapon-attack techniques to learn in Skyrim, so Bethesda would have to add these).
Possible Perks:
A perk that allows you to use higher level magic spells with levels of 1 through 5. These levels allow you to use Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, and Master spells respectively (So level 1 is novice, level 2 is apprentice, etc.). Yes, this would mean that your character canNOT automatically use magic out of the gate, as you will have to invest at least 1 perk here to be able to use magic. However, Argonians and Imperials will be given the Novice-level perk as a race-specific skill, Dark-Elves and Redguards will be given the Apprentice-level perk as a race-specific skill, Bretons will be given the Adept-level perk as a race-specific skill, and the High-Elves will be given the Expert-level perk as a race-specific skill. This will help to make each race more distinct from the others.

Separate attack-technique modifying perks for one-handed, two-handed, dual-wield, and archery setups. Each perk will have levels of 1 through 3.
For one-handed and two-handed setups, these levels will open up different techniques for the user, offering more accurate and effective attacks, rather than just the back and forth swinging the game gives you.
For dual-wield setups, Level 1 will allow you to block and absorb damage with your weapons. Level 2 will allow you to block and stagger your opponent (just like a well-timed one-handed block or shield block). Level 3 will allow you to dodge an opponent's attack while dual-wielding. Branches from here would include a perk to decrease the stamina-cost for dodging, a perk to increase the damage of an attack immediately following a successful dodge, and a perk which reduces the time it takes to attack after a successful dodge by 50% (A very powerful perk, so you would have to have a very high Intelligence).


To shorten, I added a few skills and the perks for those skills, which would GREATLY enhance character-variety, gameplay, and immersion.

While these are quite a few additions, I think that it really wouldn't be that hard to mod into the game. The difficult part would probably be to add these Skills and perks to the Skills Section in the Player Menu. BUT, I have faith that, after the CK is released, someone will be able to do it! The only question is, is my idea good enough to mod in?

You decide.

EDIT: I'd like to add that I'm looking for ideas as to how each of these additional skills would level, and if these skills should have their own special treatment.

I think these three SHOULD get some sort of special treatment. At every level-up, you get one perk to add to any 1 skill, right? Well what if every X amount of level-ups, or if at specific levels, your character was given an extra perk to spend on one of these three skills. Any other ideas? By adding these three skills, I don't think having just 1 perk to spend every single level would give you enough perks to spend throughout the game. But, getting 2 perks every level would give you WAY too many to spend.

My best idea is if every 3 levels, you get to spend 2 perks instead of just one.
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:25 am

You might want to post this on the mod section. Other than that more content added to the game is always great and imo more character variety is indeed needed :)
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Chantel Hopkin
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