Anyone hoping Bethesda Nerfs Enchanting & Smithing....

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:20 pm

Which is why I'd consider that a low priority fix. Things like stealth making you virtually undetectable at fairly low levels even without perks I consider a bigger issue. I also don't like 100% reduction to magicka I think it should cap, while yes I can self impose a limit and I do a exploit that obvious isn't much of an exploit even if it breaks a game mechanic. IOW there are plenty of issues where people don;t really have to actively peruse an attempt to be overpowered and yet they become overpowered, and that should be the highest priority for balance fixes.

oy vey, its not broken, you're suppose to be able to reduce certain costs of magic down like that, thats not broken, as it is magic is lacking a little punch at higher levels so its far from overpowered, heavy weapons and bows are pretty powerfull, sneaking is fine, none of that stuff they need to mess with too much, maybe some minor tweaking, the game is pretty good apart from the latest patch, some minor quest and follower bugs, like illia not being rehirable, or the forsworn quest and escaping from chidna mine, but the game is pretty well balanced for the most part.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:35 am

there are no "exploits"

"exploits" only exist when it is possible to spoil someone elses enjoyment of a game.

its a single player game: you can't.

stop using terminology from another genre of gaming.

now if you don't mind i'll be of to pull down the console and give myself another 100000 gold to play with...and possibly a new hat...
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:38 am

there are no "exploits"

"exploits" only exist when it is possible to spoil someone elses enjoyment of a game.

its a single player game: you can't.

stop using terminology from another genre of gaming.

now if you don't mind i'll be of to pull down the console and give myself another 100000 gold to play with...and possibly a new hat...

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A is working as intended. Blitz glitching in Madden was an exploit.
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:18 am

I am hoping they fix the smithing leveling off low skill items and also the crazy enchanting loop.

Yeah man... that enchanting loop that increases your enchants from 25% to 29% is crazy OP...
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:45 am

oy vey, its not broken, you're suppose to be able to reduce certain costs of magic down like that, thats not broken, as it is magic is lacking a little punch at higher levels so its far from overpowered, heavy weapons and bows are pretty powerfull, sneaking is fine, none of that stuff they need to mess with too much, maybe some minor tweaking, the game is pretty good apart from the latest patch, some minor quest and follower bugs, like illia not being rehirable, or the forsworn quest and escaping from chidna mine, but the game is pretty well balanced for the most part.

Reducing costs is one thing totally bypassing the magicka resource mechanic was probably not intended given that you are supposed to make a decision where to put 10 points every level. It is stupidly easy to have free magicka across the board for every school, that is not really a good game design if you are telling mage players to put a lot of points into magicka.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:48 pm

Post limit.
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