Now there have been a lot of complaints aimed at magic in general, few spell, no scaling, no spell crafting etc etc.
But you never felt weak even if you only dealt a fifth of the damage your girlfriend deals when she's playing her warrior with epic weapons and enough enchantments to take on anything, because you can always stagger mobs with Incinerate/Lightning bolt. Which is okay I guess, we trade massive damage for stuns on demand fair enough.
But really Bethesda what were you thinking when you made the master level spells?
The master level spells are supposed to be the Mage equivalent of those epic unique (not that they're that good) and obscenely enchanted weapons.
Who in your office thought it would be a good idea to stand around trying to cast Fire Storm whilst 8 mobs are interrupting you and killing you?
The master level destruction spells have no practical use whatsoever!
Sure you can pull them of but it's more of a hassle/takes longer time and deals less damage than just spamming a few Fireballs would do.
I mean you clearly have smart and talented people working there? Someone must have raised their voice and said
"Yeah Lightning Storm looks cool and all but you could also just throw some lightning bolts, they do more damage and don't take 5 seconds to cast""
This applies to most master level spells.