I would like to tell a little story today,(i'll keep it short and sorry for bad English) You guys have must heard about seven year bad luck,i am not superstitious but my life has been on the brink of destruction from past seven years,i fought through heavy drug abuse,love loss,court cases and a whole lot of pain but one thing kept me sane,one thing kept my humanity inside me,one thing whispered again and again in my ear that no matter where you live and what you go through you still share your dreams with like minded people even if they are living across the world,The Elder scrolls is just not a game...When Mr.Todd Howard says that we have our own group of great fans,i think i know what he is trying to say...bathesda didn't started making games just for money...they had this passion of telling great stories,they love their games and they respect their old fans...by playing skyrim i am full of hope ...they still have that fires burning in their hearts...they are still the bards and master story tellers...i am loving skyrim and i love Bathesda...Thank you,,,,you saved my life.