What happend to Player storage

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:41 pm

Kia Ora

first up thanks for a choice game and a lot of hard work.

If I was to need to winge at all it'd be the menu system, svcks, when I'm scrolling
through my item at the enchaning table or alchemy table the menu's stick and I go into zoom mode
I didn't go to those tables to zoom in and out I went to make something, using console interfaces overlaid
to fit a PC is bad idea and maybe why we have very little keybinding oprions,.

Think of:
how many shouts there are
how many spells there are

Then add a small number of weapons (very small number given carry weight)
and think of how long it takes to scroll through to find that one thats not hotkeyed
bacause there more than 8 items hotkeyed already.

I'm going to use Whiterun house as an example here.
Lovely wee house lots of crate/box's on the floor at the back of the lower level,
sodding useless cept as eye candy,. why in who evers name where thay not safe storage
containers for player loot I put my herbs and carp in the satchel on the alchmey table and lost
it after the reset date one bos at the end of the bed for lord knows how much stuff, you really
got carried away with one sword mount on the wall when there so many neat one of a kind
drops out there, never mind all the Thane weapons people will want hung up for dispaly.

I realy think (it's maybe only a wee thing over all) it would have been easy while world building
to a lot of make those static's containers and taken the pressure off people want CK to fix it

Bottom line tho over all I'm stocked and having a ball, would have like less limit on what items
I could put which enchant on and more carry weight but I'm still loving it
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:58 pm

Did you buy furniture for your house?
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:55 am

Whiterun house has 2 crates, 2 bookshelves, 1 double sword + shield mount, 2 single sword mounts, 1 two piece sword rack.

And it only seems you noticed a single crate and single sword rack.

It's hilarious that you put stuff in the alchemy satchel, when there's a safe crate 1 meter away in the same room.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:01 am

Whiterun house has 2 crates, 2 bookshelves, 1 double sword + shield mount, 2 single sword mounts, 1 two piece sword rack.

And it only seems you noticed a single crate and single sword rack.

It's hilarious that you put stuff in the alchemy satchel, when there's a safe crate 1 meter away in the same room.

Yes I did buy everything I could for the house

I did see the chest your talking about and given that theres no sort option in chests it still a long search through 2 chests given the stuff in game
one maybe wants to store
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:23 pm

I've got my stuff scattered about every container in the house - are only the chests safe then?
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His Bella
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:25 pm

All the things Tale said + 2 bed cabinets upstairs by the big bed, 3 cabinets downstairs, one barrel and 4-5 sacks. There is enough room in that one house. You just need to open your eyes.

I have ingredients in one chest, armor in one, misc in one.. you get the point. Use that brain of yours.
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Tyler F
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:55 am

You have multiple containers in each house, use seperate ones for different types. Not perfect but it gets the job done.
Use that end table for potions, the other for soulstones, that dresser for light armour...you get the idea :)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:47 am

I carry a set of armor, a set of clothes, primary weapon, a dagger, a bow, some arrows and a batch of potions to restore health/magicka/stamina as I did since morrowind. I don't have anything to store, I've never seen a point in owning property, what am I doing wrong? :cryvaultboy:
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Grace Francis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:43 am

I've used pretty much all the breezehome containers for 50 levels or so and I've never seen anything go missing. Though, the bookshelf did completely break and become unusable this morning.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:12 am

Alphabetical order.

You know, A B and C. Not Q W and E.
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:22 pm

Whiterun house has 2 crates, 2 bookshelves, 1 double sword + shield mount, 2 single sword mounts, 1 two piece sword rack.

I never even noticed the sword mounts; sigh...
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