» Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:14 pm
The idea that just because it works well for one game - popular and hyped, no less - it would work for all of them, is faulty, but I mostly agree with the illation, though for different reasons. In the end, success is, to a degree, simply a question of quality and popularity. svcky SP only games will mostly fail just as much as great SP only games will succeed. I agree that if they want me to buy and keep ther games, they should make them good enough so that I would want to keep them, not punish me for reselling them when it is their fault I don't see a reason to keep them. Skyrim is among the games I definitely won't sell.
Why do people hate on MP so much? It's not like you're forced to play those modi, is it? I don't like to play them, but they never prevented me from enjoying BioShock 2 or Dead Space 2 at all, in fact, I never even activated that stupid online pass for the latter. As long as the SP part doesn't have to suffer from it, I'm fine with it. Also, the conclusion "games don't need MP" is kind of silly. Games aren't needed, either, to begin with. He says it himself, Skyrim is "a game you can play endlessly and also worth restarting", sure it would sell without an MP. On the other hand, I cannot see anyone buy a CoD game for its single player campaign. (Then again, I have no idea why people buy those games at all, but that's a different story ...)
Online passes, DLC codes, DLC rip-offs ect.: Batman Arkham City was the last game I bought (unless for a decently reduced price) that had such shenanigans. People get what they deserve, if the gaming community is willing to put up with that BS it's only fair they get that BS. Popular slogan: vote with your wallet. Same with all the "piracy preventions" (only stops pirates until they're finished laughing their a**** off) and forced online connections/activations for SP games and all off that crazy crap. People whine and moan now, but they should've just not bought the games when all of it started. It's always the same: "Stop complaining, it's not that bad yaddayadda", until it's that bad.