Perk Plans

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:45 am

I'm starting a new build as a warrior so that I can play fresh until the new patch comes out while as a low level character which the magic resistance bug shouldn't have much of an effect on.

In preparation for this, I'm trying to create a Perk Planner for my build so that I can get the most out of it without wasting any perks (wasted at least 6 perks in my mage build). I love perks so much. They're an absolutely brilliant part of the game and really make you able to create unique characters.

Anyway, I was hoping for some advise, and maybe a discussion on some good perk plans for different builds. At the moment I am torn between a 1-handed warrior using an axe and shield, or a sword and shield (don't really like maces for rp reasons) and a 2-handed warrior with a warhammer or a battleaxe. What are your thoughts on these possible builds? Several specific questions:

1. Without using a shield, will my armour rating be capable of hitting the armour cap without resorting to enchantments? I'd like to save enchantments for magical resistance and stamina if possible.

2. Which Block perks work with 2-handed weapons and which, if I go the 2h route, should I choose to ignore?

3. Why did you stop being an adventurer and choose to be a town guard, and what's with the limp?

4. If I want to create the best dragon and daedric armour, will I need the Advanced Armour perk? I don't really know what that perk does and what armours it let's you create.

5. How powerful are soul squeezer and soul siphon? Worth getting?

6. Should I bother using perks on archery, what with it being my ownly form of ranged attack, or shall I just leave it as it is vanilla?

All advice welcome, as well as any perk plans for other builds you'd like to discuss!
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:12 am

1. Without using a shield, will my armour rating be capable of hitting the armour cap without resorting to enchantments? I'd like to save enchantments for magical resistance and stamina if possible.

2. Which Block perks work with 2-handed weapons and which, if I go the 2h route, should I choose to ignore?

3. Why did you stop being an adventurer and choose to be a town guard, and what's with the limp?

4. If I want to create the best dragon and daedric armour, will I need the Advanced Armour perk? I don't really know what that perk does and what armours it let's you create.

5. How powerful are soul squeezer and soul siphon? Worth getting?

6. Should I bother using perks on archery, what with it being my ownly form of ranged attack, or shall I just leave it as it is vanilla?

All advice welcome, as well as any perk plans for other builds you'd like to discuss!

1) Yeah you can hit the cap (567 I believe) with any armour from Steel Plate upwards, with unenchanted Smithing I think. If you don't use Smithing you can probably still easily hit the cap with the best Heavy Armours - especially if you use a shield.

2) All the perks that mention "shield" in the description (i.e. the left-hand branch) require a shield. Any perk that doesn't mention shields can be used with any weapon combination capable of blocking.

3) Something about an arrow... I forget.

4) Nope. Advanced Armour lets you create Steel Plate and Scaled armour. Plate is heavy, Scaled is light. Plate is a very good armour set, but probably not worth 2 extra perks. Just get Orcish instead, it's not hard to raise 50 Smithing skill and it's a similar quality. Bear in mind though, Plate is good if you want the stereotypical "Knight in shining armour" look - Orcish, Ebony, Daedric and Dragonplate all look a bit more "evil."

5) Not used them myself, but given how common and relatively inexpensive soul gems are (and how you can just buy a cheap Soul Trap spell and fill them yourself with little magicka cost and no perks necessary) I wouldn't bother with them.

6) Personally I wouldn't bother. My main character pretty much solely uses a battleaxe and has no trouble with dragons. They land all the time.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:08 pm

Love this one.
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