My praise to Skyrim

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:54 am

Let me first say: I love the game.
And no, no one is paying me to say that. Nor do I expect Bethesda to show up at my door and thank me for stating that.
I simply love the game. And safe to say its "almost" my favorite game.
VTM: Bloodlines still is number 1 here, and ive long wished that Bethesda would take a go on a new VTM using their RPG style.

But its kinda sad to see this much hate.
Sure we dont all have the same taste in games, and some might have legit issues with getting it to run properly on pc...... But the game is amazing.
So many features, quests, items, areas and so on. . . . There is so much to see and do.
And bugs...... Sure there are bugs. But how could anyone really expect a game this huge would be bug free from day one? And a month and they've already thrown two updates at us to fix some of the things we have reported to be faulty..... .(thats quick enough in my mind)

Honestly I have not yet found a bug yet myself. (Im just lucky i guess).

But no, clearly they are trying to fix whatever issues people are reporting and we should just be patient.
Also Im sure some of the guys at least, took the right to some off time after the release. Can't really imagine them finishing a long times work to just keep seated and wait for reports on bugs they need to fix.

And sure, of course I to have wishes for things Id like to be included in the game. But im not mad they aint there cause there is so much else instead.

All in all, I just want to say thanks for the great game that im sure will be the next time-vampire for me. (so far its done its job and im about 100+h in)-
Im looking forward to any dlc there might come as I loved the ones for oblivion- (most of all shivering isles )
But yeah, hope to see more in the series.... Otherwise ill come up there and take over with my own ideas ;)

And forum, relax. They did good, and they are doing what they can to fix whatever you might have of issues. Flame me if you feel like doing so.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:49 pm

Its been 20 days, still cant complete thieves guild/companions
too many bugs to list
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:57 am

I agree with you.

I have been playing RPG's for as long as the youngbloods on this board have been alive, or longer, and can't remember getting surprised to this extent by a video game. I compare it to some pretty lofty titles in my mind, and have had a relatively bug-free experience.

I really believe people forget just how much is entailed in making a game like this. Bravo to the devs for sticking with it long enough to walk right up to the absolute limitations on gaming. Your work will be enjoyed for years to come.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:27 am

Been roleplaying since Ultima. Been Elder Scrolling since Arena.

Skyrim is the RPG that has finally toppled Ultima VII and Daggerfall as my all time favourite.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:05 pm

I agree with you Nark, and its nice to finally see a positive thread about it.

I think this has become my favourite game taking the spot from the original Deus Ex, which was no mean feat. I love it and yes its not perfect but people look too much towards the negatives and ignore the good parts. It just proves to me that most of the gaming community really isn't worth listening to anymore, if they get a gem like this and do nothing but moan about it. I cant think of a game in years thats had me play it for 130 hours and still want more.

I think people like to complain because its a new game. Its funny that now Skyrim is out Oblivion has suddenly become a great RPG, where as before everyone complained about that saying how much worse than Morrowind it was. I think people trying to get the same nostalgia that they got from Morrowing are kidding themselves. I've been trying this for years with Deus Ex and realised that games have moved on to an extent where even if they were exactly like the older games, you've seen it before so it wouldnt give you the same satisfaction as it once did anyway. Morrowind had its release if people like it so much its still there to play.

For me Skyrim improves on so many aspects over MW and Oblivion and actually feels like a living world which surely is one of the main points of an RPG, not stats and not swinging a sword at someone and missing because of a dice roll, and not spell making. Id rather have the limited spells of Skyrim and them actually be fun to cast, than to have all the ones from oblivion which just felt awkward to use and were pretty boring to be frank. Im sure spell making can be modded in somehow as well, and it may actually be interesting in Skyrim.

Fair enough to people who can't play at all or do have genuine game breaking bugs, although my advice would be to do a bug report to Bethesda instead of making a million threads complaining. But the ones just moaning for the sake of moaning are irritating me and putting me off of using any forums relating to Skyrim. I also understand the need for constructive critism, but most of the complaints are because Bethesda didnt make the game with every single feature that a particular person wants. Its not got everything I want either but ignore that fact and just embrace it for what it is.

I know the haters will soon take over this thread defending why the game is so bad, and why its not as good as *insert game name here*. Heaven forbid some people actually like it and want to just applaud the devs on a good job and in my opinion easily their best game yet. Well done Bethesda!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:41 am

Glad people can join in to the positive side of things.

But yeah, ive mentioned this before on other boards- But i think the main reason is that we feel we have the right to be picky. (of course we have every right to do so).... But hear me out.

Compared to 10 years ago, we are just bombarded with games. I cant even remember how many cool games came out this year. Where as when i got my hands on something like FF7 for my ps in ... what.... 97? there really was not much else getting released at the same time. (not meaning that is why i enjoyed the mentioned game)-

But now there are so many titles pushing out and in the hunt of the BEST game, people tend to focus on why other games are bad rather then why a selected one is GREAT.

Also just think back when you found a bug. You guy falls through the floor and is now running outside the map.
Most people would be like telling a friend "Ah crazy hah, i fell through the map and could run around there. But after a reload it went back to the map".

Now its like " I fell through the f****** map! Hate this *****. And I had to reload to fix it!!!!"

Things were not so serious then I feel.

Like..... We understood that bugs and glitches happen and we accepted them as a nice extra feature almost.
Now it takes no more then a door not opening on the first "click" and its just the worst game ever.

Yeah thats my little rant i guess.

And sure, I also get that some might experience bug preventing them from moving forward in the story/game. And you have every right to get annoyed by that. But its silly to get all hyped and sweaty cause a enemy for some reason did not die of an explosion or a cow fell through the air. (Funny actually. I saw a mammoth in Skyrim glitch and fall from the air and die.. .hehe. But just smiled and looted it).

So yeah. Thats just my view.

As for the quest bug mentioned above. Worked fine for me as ive completed both. On 360, so cant say for other platforms. But hope you either find a solution or it gets fixed with a update for ya in a earlier future.
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