» Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:53 am
There's a lot of hate on this forum. Hate, whine and grump, to be more inclusive. It's the primary reason that I NEVER get involved with the forum; the group of people who are most visible here strike me as the kind of person that desperately WANTS to be unhappy and I prefer happiness. I won't lie though: when I snagged C2 within the first week of release I felt a little let down. It was fun, but I didn't see anything that really set it apart from so many other shooters I'd seen recently. It didn't feel like anything special to me because I've spoiled myself with a high-end PC.
I want to say that I just fired up the new improvements and crow has never tasted so good. Crysis 2 is now, by far, the most visually stunning game I've played. It makes me want to haul my rig to a friend's house (that I don't even particularly like, actually) just so I can show him how gorgeous a game can be (he's on a 360). I spent a good 20 seconds just staring at a brick wall, and the difference in something so seemingly minor as the tutorial sequence is shocking. Even the DOF isn't bothering me (another recent game I won't mention here implemented the effect so poorly that I can't play it for the headaches).
Thank you, Crytek, for bringing newer graphics to our wayward console gaming brethren. Thank you for not making PC players wait an extra four months just to play it, and most of all, thank you for NOT releasing a half-done patch.