
Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:47 pm

Before I even start I want to acknowledge that I'm aware a lot of people will be against this, as it doesn't fit into modern day easy RPG standards.

But, this thought hits me every time I start playing a new TES game. Why not have more randomness in the spawns of enemies?

A good game that had this was Daggerfall, it always added to the excitement to not know if you've bitten off more than you can chew. If that merchant that wants you to recover his family heirloom didn't do it himself because he's afraid of some lowly bandits or because that crypt is full of vampire ancients and liches. And even if it is full of extremely hard vamps/liches he'll still give you the quest at lvl 1 if you tell him your up for it.
Things like that happened quite often in Daggerfall and it made the game a little more exciting, not knowing if I was going into a place where I could just wreck everything, or into a place where everything could just wreck me.

Spawn locations are also something that should be randomized, does the one hard-ass in the group always have to be at the very back of a dungeon right by the trap door leading to the entrance? dungeons in the last few games all seem to work like this; Very front door the bandit leader makes all the recruits hang out by it 24/7.. cannon fodder. delving deeper into their hideout his more experienced buddies get to hang around the fires/cooking pots. Leader himself maybe due to his long life of evil has regressed socially to the point he hides from them all in the very back corner of their den.... some going so far as to bar the door that leads right to the entrance, perhaps in an attempt to keep from ever having to come face to face with the new recruits.
Don't get me wrong, I understand where this game flow comes from. Lesser RPG's have to use this tactic because they are streamlined... make the front guys too hard in Final Fantasy and you've basically screwed over your player base from the game content since you know... they can't do anything else. The Elder Scrolls isn't pigeon holed into that though and does not need to confine themselves to that style. Randomize things alot, if one quest proves too hard for a lvl 5 hero he has a billion other quests to do until he feels he is up to the challenge and can come back to finish it.

ehhh, anyways... anyone else feel dungeons/quests are the lacking part in this great game?

Oh, and by quests I do not mean main storyline quests, thought they were great... only complaint is that it isn't never ending lol
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James Shaw
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