Werewolf Form: Worthless at high levels?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:43 pm

There may be a glitch to keep your weapon if you shift in water too (never tried it)...

(edit: light armour does kind of make sense seeing as you're technically wearing leather as a werewolf)
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:01 am

granted I'm not at level 50 yet (halfway there)
and the damage output or armor rating of werewolves doesn't seem to compare to some items in the game
however there's more to being a werewolf than just clawing your enemies to death
the howl is really useful to break up large groups and the claw swip which sends your enemies flying doesn't give them a change to do much (if anything)

just came across this camp full of foresworn and they kept kicking my ass just because of their numbers (was like 10 of them)
changed into werewolf, scattered them and picked apart the strongest enemies by sending them flying
it's like an uberpowered stagger attack or something

even giants are a piece of cake when I'm in my werewolf form and I haven't got a chance when I'm just a nord with a waraxe and light armor
the mobility to get out of the way and the ability to send them flying at will really works wonders
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:05 pm

that bit about looting/menus/opening locks was just dumb imo, werewolves need a draw back to make up for other abilities (i think speed makes up for endurace)

I agree. Also for RP reasons, when my char "wakes up" from her werewolve sleep, nekid with no weapons, I don not open the inventory. I consider clothes and weapons "lost" until she gets "home", wherever that is (of course if I was REALLY hardcoe, I would "drop" whatever clothes and weapons were equipped at the time of transformation losing them forever. Haven't mustered that kind of courage yet but I think I may have just now talked myself into it. :D )
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Angel Torres
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:16 am

I agree. Also for RP reasons, when my char "wakes up" from her werewolve sleep, nekid with no weapons, I don not open the inventory. I consider clothes and weapons "lost" until she gets "home", wherever that is (of course if I was REALLY hardcoe, I would "drop" whatever clothes and weapons were equipped at the time of transformation losing them forever. Haven't mustered that kind of courage yet but I think I may have just now talked myself into it. :D )

Wow, that's a bit too hardcoe for me.. does make sense though!
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Rob Smith
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:41 am

They should do it so that your playstyle is incorporated into the transformed form. You could have stealthy werewolves, werewolves that deal fire damage when they strike, and werewolves+other stuff I can't think of.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:25 am

Yeah, it's fun to run around killing stuff i werewolf form,
but at higher levels its pretty weak, even if you get stronger at higher level.

Only reason i'm staying a werewolf is because you are 100% immune to diseases :)

And if needed you can run like the devils on your tail :P
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:15 am

They should do it so that your playstyle is incorporated into the transformed form. You could have stealthy werewolves, werewolves that deal fire damage when they strike, and werewolves+other stuff I can't think of.

Thank goodness for mods.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:02 am

I can understand where you are comming from, but look at it like this...

It's purely optional (even once have the ability you don't HAVE to use it) and it's also fully reversible at any time.
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:40 pm

They should do it so that your playstyle is incorporated into the transformed form. You could have stealthy werewolves, werewolves that deal fire damage when they strike, and werewolves+other stuff I can't think of.

This is a pretty good idea. I like the concept of having a character's perks augment the werewolf's combat abilities.
Say, having:
- Mystic Binding will imbue the claws with magical energy for +50% extra damage
- Necromancy will cloak the claws in a void essence and add a chance for killing blows with claws to Reanimate the slain enemy
- Augmented Flames (etc...) will cloak the claws in fire (etc...) and add +25/+50% extra fire (etc...) damage
- Necromage will cause claw attacks to deal double damage to undead
- Steady Hand will slow down time while holding the attack button while sprinting, allowing for more precise pounce attacks
- Shield Charge will allow you to bullrush opponents by sprinting
- Quick Reflexes will slow down time when power attacks are used near you.
- Perfect Touch will bestow the ability to loot while in beast form
- Shadow Warrior will cause the werewolf to be regarded as being in stealth mode while motionless
- And more...
Just as examples.

Maybe reaping the benefits of magical perks may require accessing the menu and equipping appropriate spells. The spells won't be usable, but it will be a way of selecting which perks to benefit from. Same with weapons/shield.

I know Bethesda would never implement such an idea, but I sense some great potential for a mod.
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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:29 am

I can understand where you are comming from, but look at it like this...

It's purely optional (even once have the ability you don't HAVE to use it) and it's also fully reversible at any time.

It's not that we feel that we HAVE to use it, it's that if we DO use it, it's a worthless optional thing at high levels(the early 30s are not high levels).
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:57 am

I think part of the problem is the perception of what the werewolf is supposed to be. I think most people, like myself, assumed it should be a tank like creature (it certainly seems one physically), but it seems more suited for hit and run tactics. Which apparently becomes harder to pull off as you level up and enemies become harder. Personally I think the werewolf should have been more open to what play style the player wants to play and not force you into a fairly narrow choice that you have to adapt to.

I don't think it helps that the werewolf seems so cut off from the rest of the game, it loses its ability to interact with most objects other than doors and bodies for feeding and has no access to any menus, potions and powers or armour etc. It feels odd compared next to the rest of the game once you get over the novelty of the werewolf controls.

If I had my way I would have the werewolf form have access to the menu system and potions and not force you to feed on a corpse which has a fixed animation that leaves you vulnerable (maybe even let you apply poisons to your claws). I wouldn't mind if we were able to keep our armour equipped and have it show on our wolf form in ragged and torn form and keep some armour rating to make up for the wolf form being so weak. Maybe even allow access to mage powers and sneaking to cater to those play styles. Though all that would obviously have to be balanced so not to make the werewolf unstoppable which might be hard and probably not too realistic, even as DLC.

I'm also not a fan of not being able to turn off the wolf form when I want. It's tedious waiting for it to wear off, especially if you've fed on corpses and prolonged the time spent in wolf form.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:19 am

This is a pretty good idea. I like the concept of having a character's perks augment the werewolf's combat abilities.
Say, having:
- Mystic Binding will imbue the claws with magical energy for +50% extra damage
- Necromancy will cloak the claws in a void essence and add a chance for killing blows with claws to Reanimate the slain enemy
- Augmented Flames (etc...) will cloak the claws in fire (etc...) and add +25/+50% extra fire (etc...) damage
- Necromage will cause claw attacks to deal double damage to undead
- Steady Hand will slow down time while holding the attack button while sprinting, allowing for more precise pounce attacks
- Shield Charge will allow you to bullrush opponents by sprinting
- Quick Reflexes will slow down time when power attacks are used near you.
- Perfect Touch will bestow the ability to loot while in beast form
- Shadow Warrior will cause the werewolf to be regarded as being in stealth mode while motionless
- And more...
Just as examples.

Maybe reaping the benefits of magical perks may require accessing the menu and equipping appropriate spells. The spells won't be usable, but it will be a way of selecting which perks to benefit from. Same with weapons/shield.

I know Bethesda would never implement such an idea, but I sense some great potential for a mod.

That sounds great for a mod, very cool ;)
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:25 am

Werewolf roar also doesn't work on whiterun guards at 81.
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Kelly John
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:04 am

Werewolf roar also doesn't work on whiterun guards at 81.

Really? How surprising XD.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:31 am

If you're talking about werewolves lacking the proper appendages to dress themselves, keep in mind this is a fantasy game with magic and enchantments. It could be bound armor, or regular armor that's able to morph along with you when you change (where does your regular armor go when you transform, anyway?)

This. So much this.

Assuming werewolves actually do scale based on Light Armor and One-Handed, that's kind of ridiculous. It should be based on light OR heavy armor, and one-handed OR two-handed weapons. Knowing this, I'll bet the werewolf complainers are mostly two-hander wielding heavy armor warriors. The light armor dual wielders are probably too busy brutalizing enemies.

Basing it on light OR heavy armor makes sense to me, or otherwise just letting you keep your armor on. Having the claw damage based off two-handed weapons doesn't though, as you're not putting your claws together and "wielding" them as if they were a single weapon rather than two seperate ones.
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gary lee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:20 pm

Has anyone tested if the summons is improved by the conjuration skill or if the fear is improved by the illusion skill?

Also, perhaps what we are seeing w/the Werewolf is related to the scaling problem the game has. I.E. it's great at normal difficulty, but doesn't scale properly to deal w/Expert and Master difficulty level. I turned down the difficulty from Expert/Master to normal and was a wrecking ball at 41.
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john palmer
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:58 am

That's one more thing in the list that doesnt level with you... Magic and Werewolves..
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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