They should do it so that your playstyle is incorporated into the transformed form. You could have stealthy werewolves, werewolves that deal fire damage when they strike, and werewolves+other stuff I can't think of.
This is a pretty good idea. I like the concept of having a character's perks augment the werewolf's combat abilities.
Say, having:
- Mystic Binding will imbue the claws with magical energy for +50% extra damage
- Necromancy will cloak the claws in a void essence and add a chance for killing blows with claws to Reanimate the slain enemy
- Augmented Flames (etc...) will cloak the claws in fire (etc...) and add +25/+50% extra fire (etc...) damage
- Necromage will cause claw attacks to deal double damage to undead
- Steady Hand will slow down time while holding the attack button while sprinting, allowing for more precise pounce attacks
- Shield Charge will allow you to bullrush opponents by sprinting
- Quick Reflexes will slow down time when power attacks are used near you.
- Perfect Touch will bestow the ability to loot while in beast form
- Shadow Warrior will cause the werewolf to be regarded as being in stealth mode while motionless
- And more...
Just as examples.
Maybe reaping the benefits of magical perks may require accessing the menu and equipping appropriate spells. The spells won't be usable, but it will be a way of selecting which perks to benefit from. Same with weapons/shield.
I know Bethesda would never implement such an idea, but I sense some great potential for a mod.