I just want to check this out... If it's a problem with the 1.2 patch then I can shelve the game for now until another patch fixes it, and maybe I'll just watch some let's plays of the game until it's fixed.
The problem right now seems to be that the dragons that I'm seeing while traveling on foot from one place to another won't land anywhere near me, and if they do land, it's up on some huge perch on top of a mountain rock, but mostly they just fly around never coming down to physically attack me.
After a few minutes or so, they simply fly away somewhere.
Prior to the patch 1.2, the dragons would land and attack me or my companion and we'd be able to kill them.
Is this truly a byproduct of the 1.2 patch, or just some rogue dragons that aren't 100% obeying the dragon AI rules?