Followers - Levelling Question

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:50 pm

Hey there,

I have a question about the levelling of followers.

I am well aware that they don't level correctly and I know the console fix (disable/enable) to correct that and bring them up to your own level, so, no this is not about that particular issue.

I've been travelling with Mjoll mostly and she's become quite powerful (level 45 I think, me being level 49). I've decided to travel with someone new for a change and noticed they are usually Level 30 when I recruit them now
(I've tried both Golldir and some Khajiit whose name I can't remember).

My question is the following: Will my new companion only level up with me or will he level up independently of me, as quick as a level-30 character should?
Since I'm level 49, I now level up much slower. Hence, it would take a very long time to get a new follower up to a comparable level of Mjoll, my old long-time follower, if the new follower only gained 1 level whenever I gain 1 level.

Thanks in advance and sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere.
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