» Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:05 am
I used Lydia for about 2 dungeons; she got too annoying.
I switched to a Khajiit nomad warrior that I helped find an amulet for about 12 dungeons, then told him he could leave, which was sad because it looked like he didn't really want to.
I used the Dunmer in the Drunken Huntsman for a good while and she said I was fun enough to get her help free of charge from now own, after I let her go.
I've been using the Dark Brotherhood initiates, but the male one wouldn't stop screaming at random intervals for no apparent reason, so he had to go back to the sanctuary. The female one isn't bad, but she can't be a sneaky type worth a damn. Just running around while I'm sneaking and slashing draugs in the face.
After I couldn't figure out how to get Shadowmere to stop following me every where I go via fast travel, (because he was killing all the dragons and ruining my precious immersion) I tried to kill him with glass weapons but I couldn't hurt his god like regen on Master, so I killed him by getting the proc from Mehrunes Razor to finally go off, after leveling my one handed several times on his sorry ass(horse).
No more companions for me, because it seems like they're programmed to get in your line of fire, plus they keep running up to me which pushes my character, causing me to step on traps, or pick up a bowl instead of what's in it. (sooo annoying).
Edit: And the summon spectral companion power thing from the DB will not Please continue, my good sir., so I only use it mid boss fight so it will die instantly.
Edit 2: lol at that censor