Bethesda forums are of course completely biased

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:28 am

The biggest problem here that the Beth boards are jam-packed with fan boys. Whatever you criticize, they'll be quick to counter it totally the opposite, even though they haven't get a clue what the real issue is.

As it stands, Bethesda have released a corrupted alpha version on the PC, with a terrible interface, the largest number of bugs ever to appear in a game after release and serious performance issues. Not to mention that PC gamers have to use Steam, to constantly validate the game files, because corruption is at every corner.
Professional reviewers never saw the PC version or somebody poked their eyes out. Nobody in their right mind could rate this game high. For all what it could have been, the animation is ancient, voice acting still not massive enough with players soon getting bored with listening to the same actor again and again for different NPCs, the game play is arcade, magic flawed, too easy even on expert setting, and the story done many times before in other Dragon-based RPGs (Divine Divinity 2, Dragon Age). Also, it did not progress since Oblivion. And Oblivion was a bad Morrowind.

What is most bugging, is the complete lack of support from Bethesda's side for the PC gamer. Not only are they deaf for the obvious flaws in their alpha release, they also do nothing for us. It's like I bought a new car, but upon arrival I find the windscreen is cracked, one of the front wheels is missing, and there is no break. The response from the car dealer is silence, just a faint smile at the cash they ripped off me, and to top it, fans of the car brand tell me to relax and fix the car myself (after all, it's such a perfect car, and why should I expect it to be complete in the first place). Fan boys have some serious problems with logic.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:17 pm

I think you must be playing a different game from most of us.
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meg knight
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:18 am

"a corrupted alpha version on the PC, with a terrible interface, the largest number of bugs ever to appear in a game after release and serious performance issues."

This is where I stopped reading.


Plenty of PC users are having a fantastic, almost bug free experience.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:17 pm

to say bethesda does NOTHING for the PC user goes way too far.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:47 am

Any board dedicated to a certain game is biased. Why would people bother to post of they didn't care about the game? Even the trolls and haters care enough to post.
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:56 pm

Did you really make an account two years ago just so you could come and complain now?
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:12 pm

Creation Kit?

If your problems are as bad as you say they are, the problem is probably on your side (aside from the UI). Plenty of PC users are having blast in this game.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:15 am

The only bug ive had was a few things turning solid light blue. But its only if i look at it from a certain angle
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:35 am

Nonsense. You've obviously never played an alpha. The bugs are few and far between. You've exagerated them for some reason. I'll agree the PC interface is bad... but you can get used to it and it becomes more and more usable with experience. You're off on "lack of support" too. They're paying for this forum, and there's plenty of support here. Quit being so hyperbolic and people might listen to what you have to say.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:36 am

The game is buggy but exxagerations you make are vast. And it cannot by definition be alpha. That makes no sense. It's the final product Their testing may have been insufficient but they ahve actually done it.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:40 am


Just for you op.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:12 pm

Not another rant thread... :facepalm:
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:10 am

A bit of reverse psychology there, Mr. Mouse? You sound like a cheerleader trying to appear as a troll, in order to get more people to defend a game that really doesn't need any defense. The people who seriously have problems with Skyrim are much more measured in their responses, and much more tied to reality. ;)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:25 am

Actually the bethesda board is where all the complaining is centralized. It's where EVERYONE vents when they have a problem with the game. On these forums is the most condensed and thorough distribution of dissatisfied players you will ever see discussing this game, and the complainers are STILL matched post for post by people who love the game.

The universal acclaim this game has received isn't just from fanbois, it's from EVERYONE but the unfortunate few who have encountered game-breaking issues.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:14 pm

A bit of reverse psychology there, Mr. Mouse? You sound like a cheerleader trying to appear as a troll, in order to get more people to defend a game that really doesn't need any defense. The people who seriously have problems with Skyrim are much more measured in their responses, and much more tied to reality. ;)

Excellent. Real cloak and dagger action between the lovers and haters here complete with false flag attacks and everything.

Oh, and let me just go on and get this one out of the way:

"Everyone here is complaining because everyone that enjoys the game is actually off playing it."

Yaaaaawnnn but let's face it someone was going to say it.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:37 am

You've obviously never been involved in an actual Alpha test of any kind. Probably not a Beta either. Way to drop those keywords though.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:01 pm

come back when you actually know what you are talking about.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:39 pm

The biggest problem here that the Beth boards are jam-packed with fan boys. Whatever you criticize, they'll be quick to counter it totally the opposite, even though they haven't get a clue what the real issue is.

As it stands, Bethesda have released a corrupted alpha version on the PC, with a terrible interface, the largest number of bugs ever to appear in a game after release and serious performance issues. Not to mention that PC gamers have to use Steam, to constantly validate the game files, because corruption is at every corner.
Professional reviewers never saw the PC version or somebody poked their eyes out. Nobody in their right mind could rate this game high. For all what it could have been, the animation is ancient, voice acting still not massive enough with players soon getting bored with listening to the same actor again and again for different NPCs, the game play is arcade, magic flawed, too easy even on expert setting, and the story done many times before in other Dragon-based RPGs (Divine Divinity 2, Dragon Age). Also, it did not progress since Oblivion. And Oblivion was a bad Morrowind.

What is most bugging, is the complete lack of support from Bethesda's side for the PC gamer. Not only are they deaf for the obvious flaws in their alpha release, they also do nothing for us. It's like I bought a new car, but upon arrival I find the windscreen is cracked, one of the front wheels is missing, and there is no break. The response from the car dealer is silence, just a faint smile at the cash they ripped off me, and to top it, fans of the car brand tell me to relax and fix the car myself (after all, it's such a perfect car, and why should I expect it to be complete in the first place). Fan boys have some serious problems with logic.

Unfortunately, calling the game an Alpha release suggests a product with few working features, where the base gameplay is complete and nothing else. Honestly, I think you are in a long list of heavyhanded, doomsayers who sets your sights way too high when you bought this game. Do I think your argument is invalid, No, in fact I think when you speak about the game bugs are very real, very true but I think your anolysis on the game is very heavyhanded.

This is a finished game. Finished doesnt mean playtested, finished means that the core gameplay, everything needed to enjoy the game has been completed. If this game wa sunfinished there would be obvious things missing such as the I HAVE NO GREETING bug in Shivering Isles (using as an example, not saying Shivering Isles was incomplete). The problem myou have is that the final part of the game, the FINAL thing that needed to be done, playtesting, wasnt done thoroughly enough. Some of the bugs arent as obvious, but the big ones are there. Do I absolutely condemn them for getting antsy and releasing a game probably a month early, no. There are plenty of companies that deserve that king of crap (EA games and their Origin for example). Will I kiss Bethesda's ass and hail the game as the greatest thing ever, No, I wont.

However, as miuch as I understand the idea you are getting by, completely heavyhanded point with an overexaggeration in order to get your point accross. There are tons of [censored] on both sides both the lovers and haters. But dont use fanboyism for a basis to judge the company for what was probably an oversight, a large one, but an oversight. Let them know of your dissatisfaction, but dont just absolutely destroy them for it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:28 pm

Want some cheese with that whine?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:41 am

We welcome members coming forward with any problems and issues they might be experiences in their game as it is generally helpful in identifying and isolating and fixing problems that people are reporting. We ask that you do so in the appropriate H&S sections of the forum.

We also appreciate feedback both good and critical on the boards as it's feedback that can and often is used in making future games.

But we don't allow anyone to attack our members or groups of members or to call them names or to insult them or disrespect their opinions. Please have a look at the following rule and remember that you did agree to follow our rules when you joined our forum.

7. Flaming is not allowed.

Insulting individuals or groups of members and name calling are flames. Any remark that is made to insult or demean another member or group of members will be considered a flame and thus you may receive a warning for it.
Calling people a troll or an apologist for instance can both be considered a flame as can calling someone stupid or ADD. Attacking Xbox players, PS3 players or PC players is not allowed and calling them "console kiddies" or in anyway indicating someone is in some way a lesser person because of their choice is considered a flame here.

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