You're probably correct in this assumption, as i haven't had any issues here (unmodded game).
After sleeping on this...
First, I was playing a copy of the binary steam gave me on Nov 11 (with the LAA bit enabled) when I saw the lockpick problem. And, steam was running. In retrospect that's probably a bad combination. I have preferred that setup because previously it gave me the fewest problems but that was when steam was not updating the game.
Second, in general, pcs are wildly different from each other. And, this is a big game. So, already, some people are going to see problems that other people will not see. When you combine this with bugs that happen only at certain times of the day, it makes comparing bug experiences quite difficult.
Third, ... and then there's mods... managing them and especially new bugs they can introduce is going to be frustrating, because we do not have any tools for isolating bugs, nor for automated testing after changes.