Dragonbone or Daedric?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:14 am

Which one looks nicer to you? That one is the right choice.
Deadric has a little bit more defense and a lot more weight, so... As above.
Personally I think Dragon is better.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:20 am

Based on the last numbers I saw of somewhere around 560ish being the armor cap, this comes down to really what you like more. If you are looking at Dragon, then most likely you have 100 smithing, meaning you can probably smith almost any armor type up high enough to get near to that cap, not just daedric or Dragonbone. I honestly like the "sets" you get for various organizations more as they usually look more "realistic" for me. I know this is fantasy, but spikes jutting everywhere and the like screams impracticality to me. That is the showcase armor, not the armor for a true warrior (looking at you Daedric)... just my opinion though, play however you enjoy the game most, that is the joy of single player, you get to do stuff your way instead of "gimping" yourself by not wearing something you don't like.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:09 am

dragon plate looks lame IMO. I really hope that mods can make better looking Dragon Plate armor and then rotate the smithing tree so that Dragon Plate comes before daedric as it makes no sense how it is situated right now. I mean, I guess I sort of do because by the time you get your smithing that high you already have 30+ dragon bones and scales and upgraded dragon armor is better than unupgraded daedric armor and finding hearts is a pain. I dunno..
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:32 pm

It's like people have said, armor rating is capped and that cap is relatively easy to reach. With a decent heavy armor skill and relevant perks, you can reach the cap in Dwarven armor if you tried. So since gear really isn't tiered and there is no real bonus in trying to get higher level armor, just wear what you think looks nice. I like the idea that you can basically wear any armor you like and have the same defense, but why the hell bother with high end stuff if you can work with low end stuff to the same result. Kind of stupid in my opinion. Yes yes, I know they supposedly made it that way so players could have a "choice" in what they wanted to wear, stupid way to implement that choice as far as I'm concerned...

Yes, but this is only the case if you "specialize" in armor (perks for light/heavy as well as smithing). if you don't do that, then the higher armor is always better for you as you will need daedric to hit the cap. you can only really hit the cap with lesser armors if you are specializing in them, thus you have more choice when you decide to do so. Makes a lot of sense to me.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:57 pm

I use use Dragonbone. The deadric set I made is stuffed into a chest at Breezehome. I prefer the looks but mostly it's an RP thing. I feel like I am a unique character in the world and am the hero of Skyrim. Being that person I feel like I should be able to craft and wear a set that only I can: Dragon armor. I know that my character is the only one in existence who has it ( I won't even use my enormous stock pile of bones and scales to make armor to sell) and that sets me apart. It is also a very obvious reminder to all of just who I am. That's why i almost killed this high elf b*tch in Solitude who told me that I looked ridiculous and that I needed to come to her shop to buy some new clothes. Only reason I didn't kill her for her lack of respect was because I realized that it was just her sales pitch. Otherwise...(insert dual wielding decapitation animation)
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