Lydia - Glitch?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:42 pm

Hi all, not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, so i apologise if it isn't.

I was reading through the 'Tips' section the other day, and one of the tips was something along the lines of, "If you ask Lydia to pick something up, rather than Trade with her, she can carry more things". So i have been using that and then selling what she had when i got to an appropriate merchant(Y'know, 'cause armour sells for more at an armour merchant). Well, i hadn't found anybody to sell the Dragon Bones and Scales to for more than 100 gold yet, so she had all the ones i had collected so far which must've been about 25 of each. I have just loaded my previous save, and she now only has 1 of each on her, and not much other stuff(although she does still seem to have all of my ore and ingots that i got her to pick up).

I know that yesterday i sold a bunch of stuff, but i don't remember selling these, so either i have sold them and forgotten about doing so, or they have disappeared. Maybe because she was carrying too much stuff? I'm not sure. I just wondered if anybody else had experianced this yet and if it was a known 'issue', so to speak, or if it's just me being my forgetful self again? To be honest, it's quite possible that i dropped them all and got her to pick them up and forgot about making her do that!:P

Any help would be appreciated. I know i won't be getting these back either way, but if it's a known issue and the only way around it is to sell everything she has before i quit, then that's what i will be doing. Even if this is just to make people aware of the possible bug, i'm okay with that.

Thanks for reading!:)
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:49 am

You have two traders in Whiterun that you can sell Dragon Bones and Dragon Scales to, but don't expect to sell everything in one day because they don't have much money to barter with unless you buy something in return.

If you want to sell off the Dragon Bones and the Dragon Scales in one day, so here is a tip just sell the Dragon Scales to and the Dragon Bones to

Btw... The pick up thing with Lydia you're talking about has never occurred to me, but thanks for the tip. :)
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:35 am

Yesterday for the first time, I found an enchanted weapon on the ground that I had given to Lydia to carry. That was careful what you give to her.

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:32 am

Sunnofa... I have lydia carry all my junk, im only lvl 11 so what choice do I have?
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:42 pm

I only take the arrows she collects using her knee
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:39 pm

Thar be bugs.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:28 am

If you didn't know about this way of getting her to carry stuff for you, basically what you need to do is:

Drop the stuff you want her to carry.
Talk to Lydia.
Use the option, "I need you to do something.".
Click on the items on the floor.

I have her carry everything i don't regularly use with the exception of jewels and jewellery, simply because they're hard to see once dropped. I have found a lot of weapons and armour which are enchanted which i give to her, most of it i sell as i'll probably need the gold more than the enchant(especially seeing as i've bought 3 horses so far because 2 of them have been killed -.-). All i really keep on myself is the armour i'm wearing, the weapons i'm using and potions/food. So almost everything she has is worth quite a lot.

@Leonardo2 - Like i said, i didn't sell the Dragon Bones/Scales because you don't get as much for them from the General Goods Merchant as you should(It says the value is 500 when it's in the inventory, but when selling it to him he only gives you 100-200 odd).

@Kicenna - Are you saying you had given her this weapon? And then you found it on the floor and she wasn't carrying it? Maybe that's what happened to my Dragon Bones/Scales:O

In all honesty, i'm really not that bothered about it. I just wanted to make people aware, and see if anybody else had come across it while doing so, just in case it is an actual issue.

Thanks for the replies:)
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