I was reading through the 'Tips' section the other day, and one of the tips was something along the lines of, "If you ask Lydia to pick something up, rather than Trade with her, she can carry more things". So i have been using that and then selling what she had when i got to an appropriate merchant(Y'know, 'cause armour sells for more at an armour merchant). Well, i hadn't found anybody to sell the Dragon Bones and Scales to for more than 100 gold yet, so she had all the ones i had collected so far which must've been about 25 of each. I have just loaded my previous save, and she now only has 1 of each on her, and not much other stuff(although she does still seem to have all of my ore and ingots that i got her to pick up).
I know that yesterday i sold a bunch of stuff, but i don't remember selling these, so either i have sold them and forgotten about doing so, or they have disappeared. Maybe because she was carrying too much stuff? I'm not sure. I just wondered if anybody else had experianced this yet and if it was a known 'issue', so to speak, or if it's just me being my forgetful self again? To be honest, it's quite possible that i dropped them all and got her to pick them up and forgot about making her do that!:P
Any help would be appreciated. I know i won't be getting these back either way, but if it's a known issue and the only way around it is to sell everything she has before i quit, then that's what i will be doing. Even if this is just to make people aware of the possible bug, i'm okay with that.
Thanks for reading!:)