Isn't this feature kind of worthless? Can you switch between 2 different sets of items?
For example, if I have a sword and shield out and equipped, and two spells hot-keyed.... once I use the hot keys for the 2 spells, i would have to go back into my favorites to get the sword and shield back out? Is that how it works?
Or can you hotkey more than one item and cycle through them?
I think that would be possible. I play a Ranger, so.I habe my bow on left, and my axe on right. Whenever I equip the axe it always up.the last thing I paired with it (normally Healing). I would suggest putting your Shield on one and the magic on the other. This may have the correct going from magic to sword, but going back may be an issue as the hotkey won't autoswap a weapon from the right hand. It prioritizes weapon to right and magic to left for some reason.