So I am on my way back to whiterun, to finish the totem of hircine quest when a dragon decides to attack fairly close to town. It swoops, breathes fire and gets the attention of some guards obviously. So we are all doing our best to fell the beast, and in the chaos I accidentally hit a guard. So what does he do? Turns away from the dragon, and tries to arrest me! It was pretty amusing seeing the dragon still tearing things up mere feet behind the guard while I am looking over the dialog options. I know this is a massive complex game, and Im fine if they dont change anything regarding this, but I was a bit surprised the guard thought that arresting me was more important than the 20 ton fire breathing creature in front of us. This is not a whine/please fix post, just another skyrim story that I wanted to share, as I like hearing stories from other people about thier wild and crazy adventures in the massive world of skyrim.