Bit of an odd question...

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:58 pm

Okay so I was wondering, because Winterhold (the Wizard College) is under the power of the Imperials (one of the main-line quests), can I get it BACK into Stormcloak control?

If this is no, can Dawnstar be captured by the Imperials?

Thanks :)
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:42 am

At the beginning of the game, Winterhold is under Stormclack control. It only falls to the Imperials during the Legion questline after Dawnstar is taken.

Edit: If you mean the quest you get near end of MQ involving civil war, then just do one of the civil war questlines.
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El Khatiri
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:56 am

so the Imperials can take Dawnstar?

Also, it was handed over during the meeting at the Greybeards, where they ask for Riften, but I said Winterhold was a better deal.
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