I formatted my HDD about 2ish weeks ago and was like "what the hell I'll give it a shot." I downloaded and reinstalled the game and BEHOLD it works. I'm in chapter 14 I believe. I just entered the big spire tube thing and it cuts to a cinematic of Prophet and BAM! Same. ****. Problem. Completely crashes my computer; I can not alt/tab or anything I have to reset my computer.
So at this point I give google another whirl and see what comes up. Turns out a guy is having the same problem I am having and he fixes it by turning the graphics settings down (he's running it on the dx11 patch ultra everything). I'm not. But I try it anyway, and no luck (surprise!)
So I guess my question is, why does nothing that Crytek makes work on my computer (Crysis 1 has the same problems)? Also I downloaded from both Steam and EA/Origin and neither work. I'm currently using the EA version.
Intel i-7 2.8ghz quad core
6 gigs RAM
Radeon 6950
windows 7 home premium 64-bit
My vid drivers are up to date. I have not installed the dx11 pack or the high resolution pack.