» Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:34 am
Far327 I am not using OBGE on this clone install
This install is basically a Full FCOM+Better Cities Blood and mud+ COBL+ Castle Wolfspike+ Map marker and EVE HGEC with High rez body textures
I did a bit more testing today, I loaded up an exact clone of the problem install, Copied the saved games to it and it ran like a charm every-time, No bad memory spikes with the esp loaded.
So I am assuming the saves are all ok
With the problem install , the only things that gets it up and running is removing that 1 esp
I think I have exhausted all avenues with that install. The following are not in order , But this is what I have tried to date
1.New Oblivion ini file generated (Default)
2. New Plugins Txt file generated
3. replaced the problem esp with one from a working install
4 Re did BSA redirection
5.Clean install Bash 294.2 , 4.0a Python and BOSS 1.8
6. Used clean saves, Made sure Dirty plugins are clean
7. Removed OSR and Fastexit 2, LAA patch
8. New install of OBSE 2.0
9. Played around with load order and moved the esp around and bash tags
10. New Bashed patch file and rebuilt it numerous times
11. Dropped video options to low
13. even went as far replacing the whole data file with a working one
14. Defragged drive with Piriforms defraggle. I Didn't need too but did it anyway
15. Disable Avast , Spybot , etc
16. Did a clean Boot
17. Turned off/on folder indexing on that drive.
19. Ran memtest for 12hrs, Super PI , Prime, Linx, HDD tests and all passed
I do try to do thorough testing and troubleshooting if its PC stability, That comes from my old Phase Change OC days. I can almost be 100% certain it is not a hardware problem
And still the almost instantaneous memory spike with that 1 esp
Remove that 1 esp and memory spike is gone and game runs flawless .
Strange that 1 install was working for 3-4 months without a issue, then the memory spikes started happening with just that 1 install .
Have the esp loaded on another exact clone and no memory spikes
Its ok as I have been able to continue playing on another install, so no worries about that part
I would though like to figure out whats up with that install and the esp, just for interest sake.