Mods that nerf invisibility?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:40 am

I definitely enjoy invisibility, but sometimes I feel like it's too powerful. You can escape from any fight just by casting the spell and running away. Maybe there's a mod that only allows you to go invisible if you're not detected when you cast it? I think supreme magicka removes your invisibility if you're near an enemy who has detect life, have you found that to work well for you? Any other ways to handle invisibility?
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:31 am

My experience with invisibility changing mods is limited to SM, and it works for my purposes. I generally use invisibility only when I want to either get somewhere uninterrupted or if I want to closely observe creatures/npcs. The SM ini also has an option to allow Vampires to see through invisibility and chameleon.

Not too long ago I was observing while invisible and suddenly a message in top right appeared that "so and so had seen through my disguise", or something, and I was revealed to said so and so.
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