» Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:30 am
I'd rather them all have a (sort of)static inventory, but scaled very slightly so that as you progress through the game, there is some sense of progression in their merchandise. not as much so that the riverwood trader will eventually start selling glass and daedric and stuff. More like, he starts with iron, and later on in the game you'll see that he has steel. end-game maybe he'll have a very limited selection of glass, maybe a helmet and a sword or something.
And each trader would have different tiered items. You could randomize it a little, so that each playthrough is a bit different, but overall, I don't want to see every single merchant have the same tier of gear. I want to be able to risk my neck traveling to a far off city on foot at level 1-5 to find a trader that has a much better selection of weapons to buy....or steal! >: D
The level scaling would only be implemented to give it a slight dynamic effect, for realism's sake.
Or, we could abandon the scaling in favor of a more immersive system. A living economy. Some traders would do well, some not so well, some would become incredibly rich (and in turn would be able to sell rare equipment), some would be forced to close down their shop. That would be better, but a lot harder to pull off.