» Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:47 am
Don't know if this is mentioned yet but Nvidia released a list of optimal settings for Nvidia cards for Crysis2 DX11 with high res textures. Could maybe help a bit?
See http://www.geforce.com/#/Optimize/OPS/Crysis-2-GeForce-GTX-560-Ti-OPS
This is for my card but top right you can search for more cards.
Turns out your actually being screwed over by Nvidia, because by changing Shading to high, you pretty much eliminate and disable"Dx11", like without tessellation, try it, tessellation only works when shading is at least on Extreme.
No, tessellation should be still available on high shaders, what it does get rid of is real time reflections and other fancy stuff that make dx11 look sweet.