Need Help with something minor!

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:19 am

After completing the horn of jurgen windcaller, i was assigned another quest with Delphine called "A Blade in the Dark"... After the long trek across map i finally arrived at the dragon burial site where Delphine is waiting for me. However, upon arrival she begins to fire arrows at me, then attack me with her dual swords. Because of the amounts of potions she has, its almost impossible to fight back at this level, and i need her to complete the quest.

does anyone have any idea why she is attacking me and how i fix this problem?

Please Note : I took 2 swords (Blades Sword + Orcish Greatsword) and potions/ingredients from her secret room in the Inn, but the skyrimWiki said it doesnt count as stealing ,and i did not see the "Steal" option come up, only "take".
Do i have to drop the swords or anything in order to stop her from beating me down?

Thanks! Need help ASAP!
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jessica robson
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