Smithing,enchanting,1handed,and shield is overpowered

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:41 am

I'm facerolling on master with a sneak archer. Even the world's worst gamer could do it. Ergo, it needs fixing. And if Beth's announcement is any indication, it will get fixed.

Yeah, skills that are broken in themselves should be looked at. Balance that bad actually reduces choices and freedom in game play. I don't really care though if someone excessively grinds things and gets good gear early, or if someone does the crafting loop of doom to make 4000 damage swords, that is on the player. If they do get those exploits depending on the fix I am fine with it. If they make it impossible to wear gear before you are level X I will be pissed off, but if they make a skill level based on the value of the item you craft I'd be fine with it. If they cap the loop at a lower point it wouldn't really bother me, if they remove any ability for potions to buff enchanting etc I will be irritated.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:43 am

Apparently 2handed, dual wield, archery, sneaking, casting and now sword'n'board are op.

What else is there?

2Handed is not underpowered like destruction on 40lvl and not overpowered like 1handed or ench/smith

2Handed is fine

Huh, you exploited Smithing and Enchanting, and now it's too easy..

Nope, that's not supposed to happen at all.

I dont,but alot ppl on forums complaining that game is too easy on master. I asking them to stop using ench/smith but they refuse - probably because they like it.

So i think way to fix this - increase difficulty or nerf ench & smith.

For evryone who wants to be God - simply can switch difficulty to adept or expert. (If enchanting and smithing gone be nerfed)

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Penny Flame
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:22 am

yeah yeah
we know everything is overpowered

with the amount of whining on these forums it's surprising these people are even playign the game still
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:09 pm

yeah yeah
we know everything is overpowered

with the amount of whining on these forums it's surprising these people are even playign the game still

Whining on forums is fun too.

Not evrything is overpowereed - alteration is fine,restroration is fine,2handed is fine etc.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:28 pm

1Handed+Shield is not overpowered if u playing them without enchanting.

But when some one combines all best specs in game = in one char = for example warrior with conjuration,alchemy,smithing,1handed and enchanting. Game becomes extremaly unbalanced

Wrong! people that cry overpowered this and that cheat period! If you level enchanting , smithing and alchemy in order to make crazy gear, you leave yourself with nothing in all other skills. And that's where the cry babies come in, they cheat to add more skill points and perks and make themselves into war gods , then cry it's too easy. It bottles my mind how some people are idiots.

plain 1hand and shield on master you will get away with killing some thrash mobs and that's it. try doing all the quests when you are over level 20 with plain gear on master. you will get your butt handed to you every time.

But what it all comes down to is I don't care how others play the game. And I don't really take posts like yours seriously when you say " Look I'm so tough I play master difficulty with plain gear"

And most of you that cry unbalanced are no doubt elder scroll virgins. In morrowind you could craft up as an example, 200 + to strength potions and drink them all and they would stack. you could hit one mob and break your weapon because you were so strong, does that mean you play through the story like that? again if that's how you like to play then so be it!
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:40 am

I'm amazed at how many people are whining about this.

Did anyone whine about spellmaking in Oblivion? No, not really. Did anyone whine about Enchanting or Sigil Stones in Oblivion? I don't seem to recall them doing so, even though you could use them to give yourself 100% Chameleon or 100% magic resistance. Did anyone complain about reflect damage enchantments? Nope. But you could still easily get yourself to 100% reflect damage using only the gear that you found in-game, thus making yourself immune to physical damage.

In the Elder Scrolls series, making a character that is ridiculously powerful has always been possible. If doing so is not something you're interested in, then don't do it.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:01 am

The whole damn game is OP!!! Except the parts that are UP or broken of corse.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:59 am

I go out and purposefully make myself as godly as possible. Why? because I'm generally super stoned and if I don't absurdly buff myself I tend to die funnily and stupidly. Not that I mind and I still don't. It happens, I laugh. Point is, people can play the game how they want. I like being a Dunmer god, if you don't like god status. Stay your [censored] ass a mortal, don't use super powerful weapons and armor. Run around fighting ancient dragons in leather hide with iron daggers. You got this.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:55 pm

This is...unnecessary. Gee lets pick all these abilities that make me sooo much better and then be shocked and amazed when my suped up character has such an easy time laying waste. If the players who do a powerhouse build like that can't put two and two together then they have issues. And nerfing abilities because a minority don't know how to balance their character build to leave a little challenge is a disservice to the rest of the players.

You can't honestly sit there and say people don't know what they are doing when they pick those perks. Its spelled out right there infront of them. Its a singleplayer game, you have the right to play however you choose and if you want an unstoppable juggernaut then you can do so.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:51 am

To make it overpowered, you have to actually TRY to make it overpowered. Even with a Blacksmith Potion, +38% Smithing gear, 100 Smithing, I can still be killed easily. Alduin one shotted me, and Draugr Deathlords can hurt me pretty bad.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:02 am

I'm amazed at how many people are whining about this.

Did anyone whine about spellmaking in Oblivion? No, not really. Did anyone whine about Enchanting or Sigil Stones in Oblivion? I don't seem to recall them doing so, even though you could use them to give yourself 100% Chameleon or 100% magic resistance. Did anyone complain about reflect damage enchantments? Nope. But you could still easily get yourself to 100% reflect damage using only the gear that you found in-game, thus making yourself immune to physical damage.

Well, actually, there were a number of "how DARE the game let me powergame this hard!1!1!!one / OMG it's so easy the game just HANDS it to you!" threads about 100% chameleon & 100% reflect. But that's because there always seem to be people who are either 1) offended that other people might play the game in a way they don't approve, or 2) can't stop themselves from powergaming even though they don't enjoy the outcome. :shrug:
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patricia kris
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:04 am

This is the kind of malarky that cost us spellmaking and all the nifty things that went with it.
I strongly oppose such MMO mentality.

To poster above, isnt it a poorer game now that you cannot do that?
You used to have a choice.
Now its all: youll play like I tell you.

Its a wonderful game, but if this is a TES game Ill eat my hat. Dragon Age 1 has better magic.
It may be the best adventure game I have ever played, and certainly better than Zelda.
But it is no more an RPG than my toe is.

Edit: Before people go all snarky and point out what is printed on the box, yes, well.
If people suddenly started selling bigmacs that were made of tomato, fish and raspberry paste you wouldnt still call it a bigmac just cause it was on the box, now would you?
Yes, it has a wonderful open world with a plethora of entertaining features.
Yes, it is the best game I have played in a decade.

Is it a TES RPG?
Hell no.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:30 pm

To make it overpowered, you have to actually TRY to make it overpowered. Even with a Blacksmith Potion, +38% Smithing gear, 100 Smithing, I can still be killed easily. Alduin one shotted me, and Draugr Deathlords can hurt me pretty bad.

Did you forget to put it on?
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:28 pm

Just because you can, doesn't mean you have to.

Don't worry, I know I'm wasting my time with pointing out the obvious.

You know what's overpowered?

Leveling up.

I mean, obviously, because you get more powerful every time you level up.

Leveling up should be nerfed, you shouldn't be able to level up.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:16 pm

Just because you can, doesn't mean you have to.

Don't worry, I know I'm wasting my time with pointing out the obvious.

You know what's overpowered?

Leveling up.

I mean, obviously, because you get more powerful every time you level up.

Leveling up should be nerfed, you shouldn't be able to level up.

Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack !!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:33 am

Did you forget to put it on?

Nope, it's stronger than standard but alduin still one shot me and my 124dmg mace doesn't do much against draugr deathlords. Takes a lot of hits on expert.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:23 pm

Its a wonderful game, but if this is a TES game Ill eat my hat. Dragon Age 1 has better magic.

Sorry... I was with you until you posted this comment. Dragon Age: Origins had one of the worst magic systems ever made as far as role playing was concerned. No strategy at all because it only had lockdowns and insta-kills with freezing+hit, and all you really did was cast AoE through walls and other obstacles. Wee. There is no way in the world that DA: O comes anywhere near magic in TES, including Skyrim.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:15 am

Sorry... I was with you until you posted this comment. Dragon Age: Origins had one of the worst magic systems ever made as far as role playing was concerned. No strategy at all because it only had lockdowns and insta-kills with freezing+hit, and all you really did was cast AoE through walls and other obstacles. Wee. There is no way in the world that DA: O comes anywhere near magic in TES, including Skyrim.

Okie dokie, I agree with the balance, but..
It had branching trees, you stuck with a path and you got better or you got to do a little of each.
There were a lot of diverse and varied effects, useful for situational combat.
Certain effects combined to produce a tertiary effect.
No spell ever went obsolete.

These are all things Skyrim magic does not do. Im not just looking at delivery, Im also looking at intent.
Compared to every other TES game that has ever been, compared to the most popular games of the last five years that are relevant, TES 5 has crappy, crappy, crappy magic.

Edit: Oh. And it looks pretty.

And just because I have said all these things, I have said before and will repeat.
It is the best game I have played in a decade.
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