I'm facerolling on master with a sneak archer. Even the world's worst gamer could do it. Ergo, it needs fixing. And if Beth's announcement is any indication, it will get fixed.
Yeah, skills that are broken in themselves should be looked at. Balance that bad actually reduces choices and freedom in game play. I don't really care though if someone excessively grinds things and gets good gear early, or if someone does the crafting loop of doom to make 4000 damage swords, that is on the player. If they do get those exploits depending on the fix I am fine with it. If they make it impossible to wear gear before you are level X I will be pissed off, but if they make a skill level based on the value of the item you craft I'd be fine with it. If they cap the loop at a lower point it wouldn't really bother me, if they remove any ability for potions to buff enchanting etc I will be irritated.