Ah ok, that makes sense. I haven't really done much this play thru so I'll see what happens when I get some faction armor.
I can't completely agree with this. My philosophy on looking at the smithing tree is when you take a perk you look at it as a specialization, just because I went the light armor side doesn't mean I cant repair or upgrade heavy armor or weapons. Or just because I go with heavy armor, doesn't mean I couldn't upgrade some glass armor or weapons. If you are a master at something you should in all respects be able to learn a lower tired skill, this problem isn't just in the smithing tree.
No tree will let you go down from 100 and in some cases it's really quite silly. If they had wanted to truly create different paths for people to take then they shouldn't have connected them at the end with the same perk. The light side should end with dragon skin and the left side should end with dragon plate, you should not be able to make both. Equally every perk that is connected to another perk should be split, then an additional perk should be added to reflect the end progression of the branch that was disconnected.
Why would you assume a master in glass would have any idea how to craft ebony into daedric? It's an entirely different metal. I know blacksmiths in real life who can't craft silver or gold jewelry because the metals are so vastly different than what they've spent their years learning. Just beacuse you're a master in say, Daedric, doesn't make you suddenly able to craft glass, which is a completely different material, not even related to metal in it's properties. In lore, it takes a powerful conjurer to even make daedric from ebony, at least they skipped that part. It'd be a massive [censored]storm if you had to level conjuration and smithing just to make them, right?
And in all those trees you're talking about they aren't connected with a perk, they all lead up tot he same. That's completely different. Some of them wouldn't matter so much, like Archery. I don't see why you can't go from Bullseye to being able to move faster with a bow, sure. I agree with you on that one, but going from twin souls to elemental potencty in the conjuration tree makes no sense, because you're buffing an atronach you haven't fully even mastered yet. To me, it makes sense you can't circle around in some of them.