Smithing favours the heavy armour users!

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:39 am

It does stink that there seems to be more crafting options for heavy armor.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:24 am

That's why I had two solutions, with dragon weapons being equivalent to daedric :P

Personally I have to resort to scrounging daedric weapons on my thief but c'est la vie

Lol, someone would still complain about it. People are going to complain about this game even if it came with your choice of exotic vehicle, a mound of diamonds, and whatever. There could be some changes made, of course, but then you'd have the same amount of complaints from people who liked it the way it was, etc.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:14 am

I really have a feeling someone here doesn't understand the fundamental difference between the concept of Light and Heavy....
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:51 pm

I think some rewards are scripted to your skill set. Light Armor is the higher skill, that is what you get.However, with the Imperials, you are given a choice, and I have gotten some Heavy Armor rewards even though my LA skill is 3 times higher than my HA skill.

Ah ok, that makes sense. I haven't really done much this play thru so I'll see what happens when I get some faction armor.

No, because Daedric weapons are ebony weapons with the soul of a daedra in them. You cannot make Daedric weapons without first learning to make Ebony. THe tree is exactly like it is for a very good reason.

I can't completely agree with this. My philosophy on looking at the smithing tree is when you take a perk you look at it as a specialization, just because I went the light armor side doesn't mean I cant repair or upgrade heavy armor or weapons. Or just because I go with heavy armor, doesn't mean I couldn't upgrade some glass armor or weapons. If you are a master at something you should in all respects be able to learn a lower tired skill, this problem isn't just in the smithing tree.

No tree will let you go down from 100 and in some cases it's really quite silly. If they had wanted to truly create different paths for people to take then they shouldn't have connected them at the end with the same perk. The light side should end with dragon skin and the left side should end with dragon plate, you should not be able to make both. Equally every perk that is connected to another perk should be split, then an additional perk should be added to reflect the end progression of the branch that was disconnected.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:49 pm

Ah ok, that makes sense. I haven't really done much this play thru so I'll see what happens when I get some faction armor.

I can't completely agree with this. My philosophy on looking at the smithing tree is when you take a perk you look at it as a specialization, just because I went the light armor side doesn't mean I cant repair or upgrade heavy armor or weapons. Or just because I go with heavy armor, doesn't mean I couldn't upgrade some glass armor or weapons. If you are a master at something you should in all respects be able to learn a lower tired skill, this problem isn't just in the smithing tree.

No tree will let you go down from 100 and in some cases it's really quite silly. If they had wanted to truly create different paths for people to take then they shouldn't have connected them at the end with the same perk. The light side should end with dragon skin and the left side should end with dragon plate, you should not be able to make both. Equally every perk that is connected to another perk should be split, then an additional perk should be added to reflect the end progression of the branch that was disconnected.

Why would you assume a master in glass would have any idea how to craft ebony into daedric? It's an entirely different metal. I know blacksmiths in real life who can't craft silver or gold jewelry because the metals are so vastly different than what they've spent their years learning. Just beacuse you're a master in say, Daedric, doesn't make you suddenly able to craft glass, which is a completely different material, not even related to metal in it's properties. In lore, it takes a powerful conjurer to even make daedric from ebony, at least they skipped that part. It'd be a massive [censored]storm if you had to level conjuration and smithing just to make them, right?

And in all those trees you're talking about they aren't connected with a perk, they all lead up tot he same. That's completely different. Some of them wouldn't matter so much, like Archery. I don't see why you can't go from Bullseye to being able to move faster with a bow, sure. I agree with you on that one, but going from twin souls to elemental potencty in the conjuration tree makes no sense, because you're buffing an atronach you haven't fully even mastered yet. To me, it makes sense you can't circle around in some of them.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:17 am

That's why I had two solutions, with dragon weapons being equivalent to daedric :P

Personally I have to resort to scrounging daedric weapons on my thief but c'est la vie

Then you are doing yourself a disservice. A weapon made of the material you have perked can be improvded twices as much (basically means your smithing skill is doubled for use in determing the improvement of that weapon/armor). Just because they both say "legendary" doesn't mean they have the same level of imrpovmemt. The few points difference in base values is practially meaningless when compared to the points you can improve it to.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:06 am

Why would you assume a master in glass would have any idea how to craft ebony into daedric? It's an entirely different metal. I know blacksmiths in real life who can't craft silver or gold jewelry because the metals are so vastly different than what they've spent their years learning. Just beacuse you're a master in say, Daedric, doesn't make you suddenly able to craft glass, which is a completely different material, not even related to metal in it's properties. In lore, it takes a powerful conjurer to even make daedric from ebony, at least they skipped that part. It'd be a massive [censored]storm if you had to level conjuration and smithing just to make them, right?

Right right. Which is why I said, the paths should not be connected. Otherwise the logical assumption is, I can do down it. Which clearly I can not.

Block is another good example of this, the paths take 2 different standpoints but at the end still meet at shield charge. That's kind of stupid, they should not connect and the right path should get something like disarming charge while the left gets shield charge. I know they wanted to make their nifty little constellations, but the mechanics don't fully work. If you connect something, I'm going to assume I can go down the other side.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:18 am

I really have a feeling someone here doesn't understand the fundamental difference between the concept of Light and Heavy....

Usually, Light Armors are leather or other organic material (Chitin) and Heavy is some kind of metal. However, in this game, there are metal armors on the light side. So, they have already blurred the line between Heavy and Light.

However, I still don't think the skill set to make a weapon is anything like the skill set to make armor other than how you prepare and work the material. I am not saying that a weapon maker is any less skilled than an armorer, or vice versa, but the skills are different.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:21 am

I looked at the tree and figured I had to fill up both sides to craft dragonscale. As far as difference between both sides I prefer the light dragonscale for speed and conserving stamina since I'm using two-handed weapons. If you don't already know this use enchantments and potions if your smithing is at 100 and you can still improve things beyond legendary. So you can get a glass bow nearly as powerful as daedric and it weighs less.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:35 am

I'm sure I'm wrong about this, but when I first heard Daedric was better than Dragon, I thought it might be a bit of professional pride from the devs - Daedric armor is sort of a signature of the TES games, while I associate Dragonbone Plate more with Dragon Age. So they made Daedric stronger to imply that TES > Dragon Age (and yeah, I'm sure I'm about to hear from dozens of people that dragonbone plate was around in other RPGs well before DA.)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:15 am

I been using Epic (crafted) Steel Plate Armour just because of the look. Stats aren't bad and I enchanted all of it. Thats another thing you have to take into account when making ste types is use what is better for you. I am trying to max out the whole tree of Armour Crafting and working on getting Heavy Armour perk that gets rid of the weight.

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:04 am

Right right. Which is why I said, the paths should not be connected. Otherwise the logical assumption is, I can do down it. Which clearly I can not.

Block is another good example of this, the paths take 2 different standpoints but at the end still meet at shield charge. That's kind of stupid, they should not connect and the right path should get something like disarming charge while the left gets shield charge. I know they wanted to make their nifty little constellations, but the mechanics don't fully work. If you connect something, I'm going to assume I can go down the other side.

I guess that's a logical assumption not every one makes. For me it was perfectly clear you can't go down it. And if they weren't connected it wouldn't make that pretty anvil, and you'd have a redundant two perks for Dragon Armor.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:40 am

They ran out of tiers of light armor and had to stick something in the tree to make it more costly to get to Dragon so they put in "Advanced Smithing" which gives you a horrible-looking light armor with less protection than Elven and a heavy armor about on par with Orcish. Advanced Smithing is nothing but an opportunity cost to make people pay more for using Light Armor smithing.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:26 am

Explain how light armor is "better". Because it's aesthetically more appealing to you does not make it better. Looking at only it's base values and perks, how is it better? Do explain, perhaps I missed something.

Wind Walker perk.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:57 pm

I think they should maybe of put another light armor perk instead of dwarven armor, i've yet to use anything dwarven and normally jump from steel plate to orcish so... but besides that im quite content with it.

The only thing that dwarven perk has given me has been tons of gold. Each ruin is good for at least 100 dwarven ingots, and I just make and enhance dwarven bows. I sell the legendary ones for tons of gold. Other than that, agreed, not very functional armor (especially since it doesn't look good at all IMO)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:57 pm

I'm just confused why Steel Plate armour is on the light armour side.

I wondered too but figured they probably thru it in there so light armor users-crafters still have a heavy armor option for their companions. Its the only logic I could apply to it.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:51 am

It also favor characters with a psysical weapon.
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