I have been playing a mage and an archer and they both have ranged attacks so they don't have too hard of a time taking dragons out. My warrior on the other hand gets his butt kicked if he gets within melee distance of a dragon. Is it possible to create a warrior who does not need ranged attacks to take a dragon out effectively? For some reason I don't like the idea of my heavy armored nord using a mace and sword needing to pull out a bow every time a dragon shows up. I would use magic, but then I would have to worry about leveling magicka to keep my magic offense relevant.
Is there any tips or strategies anyone can give me for taking a dragon out with melee only. I know you get some shouts later, but I don't have many when I first start facing dragons.
I am wondering if a shield is worth anything against a dragon biting at you.
Also I wonder if using an orc character with the berserker power going would be enough of a boost to go toe to toe with a dragon in melee.
If I have to I will break down and use a bow, but I want to see if I can do without. It would be just another skill I need to put perks into that I only really use for dragons.