Surfacing for a minute. I am really enjoying Skyrim, despite

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:22 am

Yes. It has flaws. And I will be discussing them in seperate threads, by and by. HOWEVER, before I go into my litany of scoldings and comments on vexations, let me say plainly and forwardly that I have generally enjoyed this game enormously.

The world, though it could be a tad bigger, is beautiful and does manage to feel larger than it is.

Despite the loss of certain character customization options ( sadly and inexplicably, fewer hair coulour options, less precise crafting of features, sketchy youth/age control, and too many limitations on eye colour for Elves especially), the texture and some of the design looks very good.

The spells are beautiful, and wizardry is not as hampered by limitations as I feared it would be, though the absence of Spellmaking is indeed the massive loss I and many others were concerned it would be. And what the HELL happened to spells like charm and open lock???????????????? And why does invisibility suddenly work like chameleon?

Some of the quests are a little short, though very interesting while they last.

The variation in the dungeons and creatures is WONDERFUL.

Overall, a great experience, though not without a few glaring flaws.
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Amie Mccubbing
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