I wanted to add a little list here of odd little things that they may not have noticed, perhaps for the next fix.
NPC`s entering player home or other interioors if in dialogue.
There are some cases of clipping when wearing gloves and some of the cloths with long sleeves (invisible wrists)
The poor horse at Whiterun Stables tries so hard to get in the stable but it can`t fit, maybe a stable resize?
Items that are not noted with the red stolen Icon are actually stolen
Getting some quest items before quest makes quest not completable ie all Bard College instraments, flutes, Lutes and drums. They won't take the item or the dialogue never shows up
Lucians Ghostly remains remain, forever.
Ram (plural) )Running through the river where you start the game, not swimming, running as if not in water.
And the Rabbit looks like it is snowboarding, rabbits are primarily in a sitting position or jumping position and not on all 4s.
That being said. I love the game. these are not complaints, just observations of possible improvments that I would like to see addressed.
I was also very excited that I might be able to see a orc, argonian or beast like kid and disappointed that it is only white kids.