» Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:13 am
Yup, America has some strange aversion to nudity in media, although every other show, commercial, movie, music video, etc., has someone making out, half naked, dripping wet, etc.. It's ridiculous. If there's nudity in a game, cool, whatever. If not, no big deal. But the overall attitude towards it in America is absurd. Primetime television is riddled with gunfights, serial killers, rapists, espionage, conspiracy, etc., but Talos forbid you see a boob.
Unless you're watching American Horror Story, where every other scene WhatsHisFace Mulroney's ass is hanging out. I'm an American, and I have to agree that the culture towards nudity in this country needs to change. It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal. Personally, I think it's just a part of life.