One of my greatest moments in Skyrim.

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:12 am

So i think most of you when exploring saw an attacked caravan, right ? By attacked i mean that their owners are dead in the floor, and the horse is dead..

BUT, this time it was diferent,
When i stopped there to see what happened, i saw some FALMER Arrows in the floor and some stuch in their (Caravan owners) corpse, that's right, i said FALMER Arrows ! The falmer are attacking ? perhaps yes, perhaps not...
Also when i stopped there, i searched their bodies to see if i could find any information, and i found a Journal which was written some interesting stuff. I took a screenshot, take a look. Read it.
And also look this one which you can see the Falmer Arrows and the Attacked Caravan.

If you pay attention to the Journal, you'll see that She mentioned Goblins, which may be the Falmer !

A few minutes after this, you guys wouldn't believe in what i found !

So, after reading that Journal and seeing those Falmer Arrows, i was continuing to explore, but THEN, i saw a cave, and decided to enter, inside that cave i found lots of spiders, then going more deeply int othe cave i found some Falmers !! I found their "camp" and lots of them... So it seems that Falmers aren't just in Dwemer Ruins or very deep in the Ruins... i could found some of them in a Cave.. And inside that cave, i also found some Adventurer Corpses which have Falmer Arrows stuck in their corpses..

Omg this game keeps impressing me...

Want a hint ? Just because the journal you looted doesn't activated a quest, doesn't means that there ain't content, interesting content there for you to find out. Read the Journals !

I looted a Journal in that caravan, and by my curiosity it led me inside a cave, that wasn't marked as a quest or nothing else. I was so intrigued about that caravan with falmer arrows on the floor and on the corpses, that i started to take a look around, then my curiosity led me into that cave which was the very cave where the Falmers were !
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:13 am

Thanks for sharing. I never explored the area around that caravan and thus, never found the Falmer.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:11 am

Thanks for sharing. I never explored the area around that caravan and thus, never found the Falmer.

If there were falmer arrows there and if you read the journal and she or he mentioned "Goblins" than i think you are in the same place as i was..

But i have experienced lots of "Attacked Caravans" from Bandits to Falmers..
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luke trodden
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:34 am

So wait, you found the journal off the guy from the caravan? If so, that doesn't make sense. What would he be doing with his wifes journal? Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Either way, pretty cool.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:34 pm

So wait, you found the journal off the guy from the caravan? If so, that doesn't make sense. What would he be doing with his wifes journal? Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Either way, pretty cool.

No, no you got it wrong, lol. Both of them, the Husband and the Wife were on that caravan.. That is the Wife's Journal.. but the screenshot is from the husband. :D

EDIT: He wasn't with her Journal, i looted from her body which i didn't took a pic.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:25 am

Yep. i found that too. it's near Dragonbridge. i just saw the falmer arrows in them today but i've been there before. i didn't care to look around cause i hate those little bastards.
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:36 pm

Yep. i found that too. it's near Dragonbridge. i just saw the falmer arrows in them today but i've been there before. i didn't care to look around cause i hate those little bastards.

lol. Yeah the Caravan is near Dragonbridge.

I hate them but, this attack intrigued me, and i was really curious about what happened.. and then i ended up killing that bastards.. lol
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:30 pm

These things are my favorite types of 'quests' to find in TES. They are like 'undocumented' or non jounral quests bu they are still quests in my mind. Just player driven ones.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:35 am

Yeah I found that. I noticed the falmer arrows sticking into the ground too, but I never bothered looking for a cave. I'm just glad falmer are no longer a threat to me when I first ran into them I got owned hard. At level 40 though I one shot most of them like gnats.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:06 pm

These things are my favorite types of 'quests' to find in TES. They are like 'undocumented' or non jounral quests bu they are still quests in my mind. Just player driven ones.


It is a Mini-Quest indeed.. I highly recommend you to read most of the Journals you find when exploring, because even if it don't activate a quest, it may lead you to somewhere and immerse yourself into the game..
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:37 pm


It is a Mini-Quest indeed.. I highly recommend you to read most of the Journals you find when exploring, because even if it don't activate a quest, it may lead you to somewhere and immerse yourself into the game..

even some of the books are quest related but don't give you quests.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:36 pm

I found that wagon and the couple. It made me sad. I didn't have time to stop though. I am planning on heading back soon; I figured there might be a hideout of somekind nearby. They will pay..:)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:40 am

Skyrim is awesome I love finding the journals in dungeons. I've even had to read a journal to solve a puzzle before. That was my favorite dungeon besides the dragon priest one near riften.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:50 am

These things are my favorite types of 'quests' to find in TES. They are like 'undocumented' or non jounral quests bu they are still quests in my mind. Just player driven ones.

Agreed. Bethesda needs to make a LOT more quests this way. I'm so sick of the magical arrow pointing to everything, and the annoying over-crowding of quests in my journal that all spoon-feed you where you need to go and what you need to do.

This game would be SO much more immersive if more quests were like this one. Reminds me of the Dive Rock journal-quest on Oblivion, which is still the favorite quest I've ever done.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:22 pm

Yeah, those are not rare, by the way.

Just keep exploring, and you'll find more of nice things like that one.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:03 pm

I found something like this today myself. Wasn't as mysterious though. Anyway I see this small camp so I head towards to find a cave bear. We engage in epic combat and after 10 minutes of abusing his pathing on master difficulty I go to check this camp. I find a dead man, and woman with her journal lying next to her. I read it, and it had a similar story it was a rich nord or some human female and a common orc male in love. I still wonder if I could have made it there in time to save them. Makes me sad this game is great. So much content. I wish there was some way to honor the dead in this game seeing that there is so much death. I placed their bodies next to each other and dropped some mountain flowers on them. RIP
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:02 pm

I found a Falmer cave while way up North. I was just minding my own business exploring the cave.
When all of a sudden, this high pitched screeeech. Nearly jumped out my chair. Ran like heck out of there.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:30 pm

One of the nice touches of Skyrim is the journals. Like the couple who were eloping but were tragically killed by a sabre cat after meeting up. I nearly cried.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:55 am

I found something like this today myself. Wasn't as mysterious though. Anyway I see this small camp so I head towards to find a cave bear. We engage in epic combat and after 10 minutes of abusing his pathing on master difficulty I go to check this camp. I find a dead man, and woman with her journal lying next to her. I read it, and it had a similar story it was a rich nord or some human female and a common orc male in love. I still wonder if I could have made it there in time to save them. Makes me sad this game is great. So much content. I wish there was some way to honor the dead in this game seeing that there is so much death. I placed their bodies next to each other and dropped some mountain flowers on them. RIP

Woah, that was so nice of you, to place them togheter and throw flowers... i really enjoyed to see that you are roleplaying, even if not a bit... Because what is a TES Game if you don't roleplay. :D


Also, i was quite impressed in my encounter, because i thought the Falmers were only encountered deep inside the Dwemer Ruins..... but i found some of them in a cave ! :o
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:52 pm

I found something like this today myself. Wasn't as mysterious though. Anyway I see this small camp so I head towards to find a cave bear. We engage in epic combat and after 10 minutes of abusing his pathing on master difficulty I go to check this camp. I find a dead man, and woman with her journal lying next to her. I read it, and it had a similar story it was a rich nord or some human female and a common orc male in love. I still wonder if I could have made it there in time to save them. Makes me sad this game is great. So much content. I wish there was some way to honor the dead in this game seeing that there is so much death. I placed their bodies next to each other and dropped some mountain flowers on them. RIP

Aw, that's sweet. Was it on a mountain? Fus-Do-Rah time!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:57 pm

I was wandering around and found an abandoned alchemist's campsite near a small pond. The pond was surrounded by a ton glowing nirnroot and giant patches of mushrooms. I looted the site and found a journal entry (similar to OP, no quest attached) saying the alchemist was headed downstream to see if whatever was causing the growth was effecting the rest of the stream.

I went downstream and there was a small waterfall leading to a pond with the dead alchemist floating in the middle of it. As I approached I realized it was surrounded by spriggans defending their little area. Cool little scene.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:24 am

I was wandering around and found an abandoned alchemist's campsite near a small pond. The pond was surrounded by a ton glowing nirnroot and giant patches of mushrooms. I looted the site and found a journal entry (similar to OP, no quest attached) saying the alchemist was headed downstream to see if whatever was causing the growth was effecting the rest of the stream.

I went downstream and there was a small waterfall leading to a pond with the dead alchemist floating in the middle of it. As I approached I realized it was surrounded by spriggans defending their little area. Cool little scene.

That's really cool.. Thanks for sharing ! :)
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