They [censored] and moan about people talking about nudity and other things in games but yet they couldn't care less about people mindlessly slaughtering a wood elf, seriously everytime I go to talk in a Skyrim thread (no doubt this will be locked for not being about Skyrim) but its locked for some daft reason, is this American logic or just power mad mods getting over sensitive with their rubbish idealist powers? I see people try and talk about their problems on the PC troubleshoot forums and yet the mods decided to shut them down and merged in one thread for 'conviencience, ha yeah right...) anyway I'm just a Guy trying to make normal conversation like I would to anyone in the UK and get my point accross, but to mods on this forum it's almost as if you can't even have a proper conversation without them trying to lock you down.
Also what do you think about draw distances on the various versions of Skyrim?