Something tells me you haven't even played Skyrim yet.
Considering I can write about why ech of the guilds was horrible and makes the game look rushed, add in betehsdas love of the essential tag (Just try killing everyone in Riften) I think I have played enough of the game to make a judgement. Please gve me just one example of a dungeon that isnt linear, they always ahve a conveniently caved in door, and usually split into 3, before the boss room lets you unbar a door or unlock a secret entrance to take you to the begining.
And, with further mods and better patches, it looks like it will only continue to get better. Does Skyward Sword have that longevity?
Again its wrong to give a game praise for things modders do instead of the devs. I mean really why not just have bethesda announce TES VI and just get a CK on the disk with the words "get cracking" on it.
Do you seriously belive that patches made BY THE FANS to fix issues in the game is a mark of a good developer ? Its like buying a new car only to have it not work, but hey they included a few tools in the back.
Your also ignoring the 360 and PS3 fanbase too.