Have seen threads on the same topic in the past, its either you guys' game are bugged or I'm too deaf to notice the difference D:
It's the 2nd one. There are bugs affecting Esbern's dialogue, but some of his lines do indeed appear to have been recorded by a different actor. I'd assume they wrote extra lines after Max von Sydow had already done his recording session and scheduling/costs meant they couldn't get him back to do the rest.
It's the 2nd one. There are bugs affecting Esbern's dialogue, but some of his lines do indeed appear to have been recorded by a different actor. I'd assume they wrote extra lines after Max von Sydow had already done his recording session and scheduling/costs meant they couldn't get him back to do the rest.
This must be it cause they are defenetly Esberns lines but he gets another voice (which is still exclusive to him) and sounds a little drunk(or isirsh?) cause he sludders with his 2nd voice.
It's the 2nd one. There are bugs affecting Esbern's dialogue, but some of his lines do indeed appear to have been recorded by a different actor. I'd assume they wrote extra lines after Max von Sydow had already done his recording session and scheduling/costs meant they couldn't get him back to do the rest.
Makes sense, I will pay more attention to his dialogue in my 2nd play through
Yeah I noticed it in Delphine's room once we returned from Riften, I thought I might have just been hearing things, good to know other's heard it too. He sounded like he had a weird german-ish accent from what I can remember and it was really noticeable when he reverted back to his normal voice.