Looking For Certain Armors

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:35 pm

Hey fellow adventures, I am curious to know if I can find some of the following armors in the game from what Ive seen from other players' characters wearing in the other threads that ask you to post your character.

I am looking for the bear cloak ( Ulfrics' general wears it )

Nord helmet with the horns protruding outwards ( Most of the Draugr are wearing them )

A helm that almost looks to be dragonbone ( Its shown in between loading screens )

and I've seen many photos of characters with black hoods, which I am also interested in finding

As you can tell I am an armor collector in the game and I would like to add these items to my collection. I play Skyrim on the 360 so if some of these items require mods for pcs please inform me so I can stop my search,

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Tamara Primo
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:43 pm

1. Bear cloak is a reward for accomplishing many fort take-overs as a stormcloak soldier.

2. Hmm, not sure about this one.. Steel helmet with horns? Base iron helmet? Or maybe even the ancinet nord helmet? (no idea if the last mentioned has horns)

3. The jagged crown? Also ?art of the stormcloak quest-line. (quest item, you can't have both the bear cloak and the jagged crown)

Black hoods, can't help you there. Not sure if I could help on the other points either :D
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:38 pm

1. Bear cloak is a reward for accomplishing many fort take-overs as a stormcloak soldier.

2. Hmm, not sure about this one.. Steel helmet with horns? Base iron helmet? Or maybe even the ancinet nord helmet? (no idea if the last mentioned has horns)

3. The jagged crown? Also ?art of the stormcloak quest-line. (quest item, you can't have both the bear cloak and the jagged crown)

Black hoods, can't help you there. Not sure if I could help on the other points either :D

Thanks man, for the 2nd one its the one that has the horns on the front, they are coming from the fore head; many of the Draugr deathlords wear them ( I already have the ancient nord helm )
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