New to forum but been playing Oblivion for a while now. Have happily play through a good few hours and have modded frequently, but recently old pc died and so have had to reinstall. I managed to muddle my way through installing Wrye bash stuff last time but now I cant seem to gat it to work. I'm using Window 7 so not sure if there are issues there. I keep fining that my bash files all end up in a bash folder in Mopy folder which is different from last time, so not sure it's actually installed correctly. I've installed Python v2.7.2 and have Wrye Bash 294 installer - again heave read som stuff on correct installation versions but starting to feel a bit dizzy from all those numbers! I also wondered if I should change UAC settings or just install Oblivion to somewhere else? Anyway, less waffling - Please help...