its not my meaning, its that nobody todays meaning of the word matches the dictionaries accurate is said dictionary? or are people become that stupid, at that point all communication is merely a series of failures anyways.
A dictionary is the most accurate source, because it is the objective source and not dependent at all on an individual person's perspective or interpretation. I'm sorry you do not understand that, and there is no clearer way that I can explain it to you, except to politely suggest you continue your education in English class, and further, linguistics. Or maybe just look up a few lectures or works by a gentleman of the name Noam Chomsky, as he is considered the foremost authority on language, its structure and constructs.
a three way switch means more to a electrician then to some guy working at denny's with no practical knowledge of electrical switches, but knows of them.
people are trying to read the review as the denny's boy, when they should be reading it as the electrician.
Sorry, but this strikes me as a false premise for how to "read" something. I can read things as many different ways as I want, but I tend to read things according to the language as it is, not as how one wishes to twist around meanings because he doesn't have a better vocabulary or clearer way of expressing himself. If someone wants to speak Jive to me, he can speak Jive to me, but that doesn't mean that I'm somehow required to speak in the same fashion as him.
blah, i dont know why i involve myself in these tings, just a bunch of people who want to believe what they want...and nothing else.
Everything I have stated has nothing to do with belief, but everything to do with fact. I would not bother wasting time with asserting how I believe things are, when I can simply point to the facts since facts can stand for themselves, while belief must be justified and explained in order to have acceptance.
you get a really devoted fan...hes gonna be a really devoted no point anything you are anyone says will cause him to deviate from this.
a haters a hater...same deal.
Unnecessary remarks and implied insults will do you no favors. Nothing I have stated has anything to do with what you are suggesting here.
if by chance there is a reasonable just gets drowned out by the two opposing sides and each label aspect of them as one or the other. because there no middle ground...there is no reasoning.
The middle ground is objectivity, not subjectivity, and you have been suggesting that a subjective understanding is what is necessary to "get" this article.
i think the whole babel story was more then strict language >.>
Yes, it is more than just about language, but language is one of the central facets that shapes its point. It is more about the hubris of man over God, and how oftentimes it is the hubris and ego of one that causes his downfall. There are other facets of it that people can elaborate upon further, I'm sure. I pointed out the language aspect, because that is what is applicable here.