So I have the perk in one-hander to decapitate, but I do both normal and power attacks while standing still like it says in the perk, yet I never get this finishing move. I have seen people on videos do the scissor like move and it decapitates the enemy, so I know it is possible. I have cleared out Helgen numerous times, went crazy in some of the cities and tried using two swords, one sword and the Blade of Woe, one axe and a sword, etc. yet I can never get the animation. I unequipped my left hand weapon and put a spell there and I did a decapitation then where my character spun around and chopped someones head off, but that's it. I have gotten other fatalities while dual wielding, like the one where you stab someone with both swords and pick them up, yet still no decapitation. Are there any tips someone could give me?
Any help would be great.