It's not that I don't want people to vote no. It's that PC users come here, click no, and then they leave without offering a reason or opinion that doesn't amount to "Console users are inferior and don't deserve it."
I play Skyrim on PC, and I clicked yes — mostly because I'm tired of console players whining when exploits are fixed. For example, Bethesda has stated they'll be looking at crafting balance on their blog, and on another forum I visit there's no end of raging about Bethesda potentially "taking away part of a product we paid for." Kind of silly if you ask me.
If console players want access to the developer console, I have no problem with them getting it. This is a one-player game, it doesn't affect me in any way. 'Course, some PC players probably vote "no" out of spite because of the annoying consolized UI. And it's never going to happen for you guys, unfortunately.