Glass > Dragon > Daedric
Daedric > Dragon > Glass
Now for anyone that choose light armour path they will find that they will be giving up using the best weapons in the game even thoe no matter what path they took they could of got the best light armour in the game still. The only way to fix that is to waste another 5 points in smithing just to get daedric weapons.
Now is there any plans to fix this in some way in the future? Some may say its not a bug but seeing as the tree is a circle, there is no "end" or "top" of the tree, and shouldnt limit how far around the circle you can go, so either 2 options..
1) Let us go all way around the circle in any way we please after hiting Dragon armour.
2) Change the tree into a "V" shape, spliting the Dragon Perk into 2, "Light Dragon Armour" and "Heavy Dragon Armour" making it 100% clear how this tree actually acts.