I am a long time reader of these forums but this is my first post. I am an avid fan of Fallout, I have spent countless hours playing Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and now Dead Money. However, I have become very frustrated with Dead Money. I am stuck . I am doing the Curtain Call at the Tampico quest and I am trying to get backstage to find a way to disable the Tampico's hologram security. I have one key that I found in front of the stage but that only unlocks the side door to the right of the stage. Beyond that there is another door that requiers another back stage key that I don't have. This is the same deal on the left side of the stage. I have the key to get into Dean's dressing room but I have trouble searching before my collar goes off. Please let me know where I can find the right key to get all the way to back stage. I will thank anyone for help!!!!!