Co-op Mod for Oblivion!

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:12 am

Mod can be found here:

A video of the Mod in action can be found by on You Tube by searching for 'Co-op play in Oblivion' or by looking for MelkiahMonkey's channel.

Now some of you may have seen Co-op mods for 'blivion before but this mod enables two players to play Oblivion as two separate characters in the manner of Baldur's Gate I and II (console versions). While its still in its Beta stage it already includes full inventory managment options for both players, jumping, power attacks, target lock-on for ranged spells/attacks and a much improved 3rd person camera.

Here's the cut & pasted full list of features:

Both player characters can:
Use Blade/Blunt/Marksman weapons. Blade, Blunt and Hand to Hand power attacks can be done by holding the attack button.
Cast Self/Touch/Target spells
Open doors - load and animated
Loot dead bodies
Talk to npcs
Lockpick doors and containers
Access individual inventory, spell and stats screens
Set up and use shortcut keys (up to 6 shortcuts for player 1 and 4 shortcuts for player 2)
Buy and sell items and spells from shops independently (i.e. if player 2 buys a spell it will only appear in their spell list)
Ducking/sneaking work but not (yet) for pickpocketing and stealth striking
Give items and gold directly to each other.
(see the gameplay demonstration video)

Starting and Stopping Co-op mode:
The recruit and start spells are added to the player once the mod starts.
To start cast the Recruit Player 2 spell on the npc you would like to be player 2.
Currently any friendly npc can be recruited as player 2's character. To un-recruit them cast the spell on them again.
Then (in a clear area) cast the Start Co-op Mode spell.
To exit Co-op mode at any time press BACKSPACE. Player 2's character will revert to following player 1.


Attack Damage
Blade, Blunt, Hand to Hand and Arrow damage are calculated using a close approximation of the games standard formulae. In other words the damage your character does directly relates to your weapon, attribute and skill values.

Target Lock.
To assist with casting spells and firing bows use the Target Lock function. If they are fired without target lock they will fire directly ahead of the player character on a flat trajectory.
When the Target Lock button is pressed the targeted npc will briefly flash red (for player 1) and blue (for player 2)
The player character will now move relative to the targeted npc. If close enough all blade, blunt and hand to hand attacks will hit the target.
Arrows and Target spells will fire at the targeted npc.
Touch spells can only be used with Target Lock.
Press the target lock button again to switch off target lock. Target Lock will automatically switch off if the targeted npc dies.
Target Lock won't target the other co-op player character to do this press the Target Other Player button. Targeting the other player enables you to cast Touch spells on them as well as damage them with melee attacks.

Friendly hits:
Unless a Player is targeted by their co-op partner they will not take melee hits from them. Arrows and targeted spells will damage them as normal.

To activate a door, npc or a container walk up to them, face them with your character and press the Activate button. Unfortunately this (currently) won't work for containers that are lower than the player characters chest level. Crouching can help in some situations.

IMPORTANT - the camera will be jerky if the player is in third person view - change to first person.
The camera is intended to focus on a point between the two players.
The camera will move back the further apart the players move from each other - I haven't set a limit to how far apart they can go.
Moving the mouse left and right will swing the camera around the players.
Pressing up/down/left/right on the arrow keys moves the camera up/down and further away/closer. The angle is still controlled by mouse.
Pressing Right Control will revert the camera height and distance to the mod's default settings.
Pressing Right Shift will switch follow cam on/off
Whilst in interiors the camera will be closer and lower.

Getting knocked down
In Co-op mode both player characters are essential so cannot be killed only knocked unconscious. However if both players are knocked unconscious then the real player 1 will die.

Its still a little buggy, but hey, its only a beta. I just thought this is what I've always wanted in a mod. Co-opblivion at last! In fact I was so impressed I thought I'd do a little PR for Melkiah and his astounding Co-op Mod and try to tell the world, and by shear interest alone get him to polish it up so its bug free one day.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:17 am

May well be worth watching. Certainly seems to have acomplished something good.

However, caution about getting hopes up should be advised. As you've pointed out, there's been other attempts and all were seemingly abandoned when they couldn't work past a certain issue. The modder involved here seems to have made a lot of progress so he clearly has paitience, but fingers crossed that life doesn't get in the his way and slow his progress down.

Still definitely, some great prospects there once the kinks are worked out.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:25 am

Where you the one who made a mod like this for Fallout 3?
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