
Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:00 am

Hi there PS3 skyrim player here as-well this is the first game of the series Ive played more then 10 mins of.So with that being said need a few tips here I'm always looting everything with a high sell price ,but when i goto shops like a blacksmith shop to sell they offer me ALOT less than what the item says its worth,or if doesn't offer me to sell the item at all to the vendor.So where so i sell this stuff to make money. ive got like 20 hours played and 1k plus i bought a horse thats it. lol.

Another question i stashed a jujk load of high value dragon bones,scales on my 1st companion i got i entered a dungeon also might add i had my horse there aswell , while i was in the dungeon i noticed my companion was gone, thought maybe i would meet her outside but when i got there she was gone"She got all my loot on here " lol and my horse is missing aswell not to worried about that thought, Will she eventually show up again.? or what do i do.

another question weird one but as i walk around in cities npc are saying i look sick , i assumed it was from not sleeping or eating so i did both, but nothing. what do i do?

Thanks ahead of time for any advice i might recieve on these issues.

Also like to mention any other Ps3 players of skyrim get the black screen load freezes in certain areas? theres one near the bee hive quest for me in the large house that you must enter
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:21 pm

Let me just say, it's painfully obvious this is your first TES game.

Value given is the market price. Initially your character is terrible at haggling, and thus forced to take a raw deal. You probably have a disease, go to magic and active effects, look for red. That will be a disease, stop by any shrine to fix it and get a blessing.

Your companion may have died and you just didn't notice, or go to where you found them intially.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:49 pm

Hi there PS3 skyrim player here as-well this is the first game of the series Ive played more then 10 mins of.So with that being said need a few tips here I'm always looting everything with a high sell price ,but when i goto shops like a blacksmith shop to sell they offer me ALOT less than what the item says its worth,or if doesn't offer me to sell the item at all to the vendor.So where so i sell this stuff to make money. ive got like 20 hours played and 1k plus i bought a horse thats it. lol.

As you buy and sell your speech will level up. With that comes better prices and the ability to get money related perks.
another question weird one but as i walk around in cities npc are saying i look sick , i assumed it was from not sleeping or eating so i did both, but nothing. what do i do?

Go to your magic menu, look under the active sub-menu, anything in red is bad. If its an alchemist telling you this its usually because they are trying to sell you something.

Let me just say, it's painfully obvious this is your first TES game.

Let me just say, this makes you sound like a dike elitist.
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brandon frier
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:42 am

Let me just say, this makes you sound like a dike elitist.


His first sentence is "this is my first TES game I've spent more than 10 minutes on"
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:29 pm

...or if doesn't offer me to sell the item at all to the vendor.

Certain vendors will only buy certain goods off you. In whiterun, the smiths will only buy weapons, armour and smithing materials off you. Arcadias potion shop will only buy potions and their ingredients. However also in whiterun there is a general goods vendor by the name of Balthor near the alchemy shop that will buy anything (except stolen goods).
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