Hi all! I am so in love with this game, but I am having trouble. Please excuse me for I do not remember characters names very well I just started. So after I created my character and mt captor helped me escape the dragon, he had told me to go and talk to his cousin, brother, something like that, anyway I get to the city, Riverwood I think, and get to the blacksmiths house at night, he is not outside so I go up to the door and it asks me if I want to open it, so I do and him and his wife are in the house with his children and they are PISSED! The dude that helped me escape is also in there. Now this blacksmith and his wife want to kill me so I run but can not get away, I kill his wife and him and steal some of their stuff.
My question is, WHAT THE HELL did I do wrong? Was I supposed to knock? wait till morning? Now when I go back to the city people are trying to kill me and I have to return this golden claw. Please help me! So next time I don't just walk into some ones house and have to murder them.